

  • I hear you. I have a desk job and am on the computer 8+ hours a day. I only put on 5 lbs a year and after 15 years, well you get the picture. i look back at some of my old pics and shrug. ive been on mfp since january and have lost 30 lbs. taking my time and doing good. there is a point we all reach thinking this is our…
  • I was in your category. I watched what i ate but it was too small for my current weight. i ate small and it was working against me. i gained instead of loosing. i know calories in and calories out, but the body has its own limit that when you drop below it it stores it instead of treating it as disposable. it was a small…
  • Hes not mr wonderful but he did get them for you. i know its a bad idea when you have been working hard, but he is just trying to make you feel good. generosity is a good thing, means he does care and he thinks you have been doing a good job and deserve a little treat, even if its crappy. say thanks take them and deposit…
  • OMG i read the article and it woke me up. i noticed my salt, sugar and fat in my intake was hard to keep under the limits at the best of times. if i snacked anything off the shelf, one soda, one prepackaged snacks, it threw my numbers off greatly. it should be a main post as what to look out for in food marketing. watch…