abbyjcpc Member


  • Hello! I’m 35, 3 kids, and highest weight was 348. I’m 326 now after 4 weeks of strict control (so hard!). I’m looking for some more support buddies here. I am preparing for bariatric surgery this spring and I realize the importance of getting my head and nutrition right before I do it. I’ve lost 150lbs by myself and…
  • I've got 175 to lose. I'd love for some additional support!
  • Hello! I'd would love some encouragement buddies! Anyone on here please feel free to friend me. I've got about 175 lbs to lose. I'm the heaviest I've ever been, and I'm finally ready to change my diet in addition to exercising! I'm so excited to get this show on the road!
  • I struggle with this also! I started to swap candy/ice cream etc for a bowl of cereal. Then I started changing my cereal to something with the least amount of sugar. It still satisfies me. I also do plain greek yogurt, fruit and granola when I get a night sweet tooth. But I know how you feel. Even if I have enough calories…
  • I can relate. For the first few MONTHS I logged all my food just as I ate it. I didn't count or care about the calories, I just logged it all. I was WAY over every single day and that started to make me mad. Mad enough to want to change it. I still go over, but its not the end of the world. I find it helps me make better…
  • Apparently I had the old version of the app! Mine did not have the scan option and other useful tools...I updated it and I think it will be much easier to use now! Thank you all for your advice, and for those you choose to be unsupportive and hurtfully judgmental, keep your mean opinions to yourself. You don't know me, you…
  • These kinds of responses are just rude and unhelpful. Thought this was a supportive place?
  • I do actually eat very different foods each day. I use the list of foods I regularly eat, yes. How do you log foods that are homemade? I made turkey chili today and know the ingredients, but really, I have no idea how much of each I ate. I spent 20 minutes online trying to figure out how many calories are in the recipe I…