

  • That is wonderful! Keep up the good work. :)
  • I would consider myself lucky to be as manly as you are by this time next year. :) People are dumb. I ignore them (and vice versa, I'm sure). Keep up the great work! <3
  • I don't wear underwear during workouts the majority of the time. A lot of my time is spent cycling and undies cause unnecessary chaffing. I doesn't help that I hate panty lines. I have saddle bags and nothing accentuates them more than a sad panty line showing through. Yuck...
  • I just started riding again this summer. There was a period of time that I was so uncomfortable that I couldn't stand it and had to take a couple of days off. I would suggest that you start with a pair of bike shorts and then start the search for a women's saddle. I decided to search for a saddle so that I wouldn't need…
  • Now that the month is almost over, I have found this. :) I bought a bike on June 8th. Since then I have ridden over 900 miles. I rode 344.2 last month and finished just short of the 350 mile goal I had set for myself (sinus headache/crap on the last day of the month). I am at 279.1 for September. My goal for this month,…
  • Hi, Melissa - I started this account quite a while ago (a year? more?) but didn't really utilize it until May or June of this year. I have a couple of people that I know personally that I connected with, but haven't really reached out to others yet. It seems to be a very supportive community. Feel free to add me if you…