A machete. A big one at least 16" long. Ask my room mate I have no idea what the guy is thinking!
Small meals and no sweets. Hard to cut those sweets out when they were the substitute for alcohol. Sober 3 years and off sweets 3 weeks.
Thanks for the nice words. We don't live far from each other. I'm on the coast in Cali. Between Morro Bay and San Simeon. I do go to Hospice every Wed and meet with a parent berevement group. We have all become each others support. A place to vent. Maui is our other place we go....Congratulations on the new job...I'm sorry…
As I write this my stomach is in knots. I lost my son on November 3, 2011 and am coming up on the one year mark. He was 25 and killed on his motorcycle in Maui where he lived. A tourist ran a red light late at night in front of him. The police covered up the truth and said my son caused the accident. We have spent 10…
Good for you. Don't give up. Remember sometimes during the day we may set aside time to do actual exercise but if you have a busy life and small children your body has to be buring calories while you chase those kids around. My kids are grown but I have lots of stairs in my house that I contstantly have to climb up and…