mzlee1990 Member


  • Does 1918 calories sound right for 109kgs? I changed it to lean mass and roughly did body fat and got Carb- 222g Protein-150g Fat-42g 3days of exercise - 2 cardio 1 bodypump
  • Bumping
  • I increase speed and incline and it rises nowhere near as high tho mostly between 130-140 but the second i stop it drops so low again? If that makes sense? And I'll have to look into the weight training with it, It was recommended to me by a few PTs to buy one for weight training to make sure I'm working hard enough. I…
  • I thought maybe it was normal once you get a bit fitter for your HR to sit lower and to drop dramatically whenever you stop moving (120 to 90 in less then 10 seconds)
  • I got a whole new one and the HRM sits at the same rate as the treadmill?
  • It had two days rest I've started on International Protein Synergy 5 would that affect it? I should mention I'm considered morbidly obese so it's normally not hard to get my heart rate up I'm working until I'm puffed