mudgemoe Member


  • I never did like Coke - I'll take the water - thank you! I heard about Coke taking care of the corrosion on the car battery years ago! YUCK!!! Imagine what it is doing to our stomaches!
  • Weigh in - lost 1 LB this week - need to do better if I want to lose 7 by 3/28!!! - I'm at 168!
  • Hi Shelly - I'm 48 - soon to be 49 - VERY soon - lol! Just started on MFP in Jan - lost 10 LBS and I'm really motivated with all the support you find here! Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • I've heard Chobani is really good. I'm not a yogurt fan either - but I did have some Light and Lively last week - and I bought Yoplait light yesterday - not too bad - I guess you get used to the taste after a while! As far as juices - I basically drink water and if I want some flavor - I add Crystal light to it. I bought…
  • Betty I have seen your posts on other topics - you are an inspiration - thanks for all your good words and encouragement!!
  • First - Congratulations on being a new mommy!!!! This is the site to be on!! Lots of encouragement - you just need to take it a day at a time and not let the setbacks get you down. Others have suggested setting mini goals which I think is a GREAT idea! I've been on the site since Jan and lost 10 LBS (was hoping for a…
    in Hello Comment by mudgemoe February 2010
  • I like your number 2 - Cadbury Eggs are my FAVORITE! Maybe if I can lose those 7 LBS by the end of March - I'll treat myself to one on Easter:happy:
  • Welcome to MFP - Ladybug! You'll find lots of encouragement here. I just joined in Jan and already lost 10 LBS. Just take it a day at a time and don't let any setbacks get you down. I was felling pretty crappy after eating out shortly after joining - but the encouragement I got from this site got me through it!! Looking…
  • Pork chops Where did you vacation to last year?
  • I'm in. I just broke my first goal of losing 10 LBS but it took me almost 8 weeks - so 7 LBS in 4 weeks will be a challange! But I'm up for it!!!! So 162 by 3/28 and by then I'll be a year older!!!
  • I never really gave sodium a thought until I read something about it this morning. So I just added Sodium to my Food Diary so I can track it. I think I'm already over 50% of todays sodium. But tomorow is another day - so I'll just plan better! And here I though Deli chicken was GOOD for me! And like most of the posts here…
  • Thank you all for your wonderful words of support! Just what I needed tonight!! I AM going to lose 40 lbs! :smile: This is what I love about this site! Maureen