SweetCrumb Member


  • Get a pair of 2XU tights. They are AMAZING. I put them on when I first started my weight loss and I was like, stuff losing weight, I'll just wear these all the time and look like I have muscles! I find when you first get them the sizing is a little tight but it means when you lose weight they last longer which is worth it…
  • You'll be surprised how much natural sugar is in fruits (some especially so like mango and pineapple) which is detrimental to weight loss. I used to eat a whole lot of fruit everyday thinking the same as you but was losing very little, if any. As soon as I moderated my fruit intake the weight started coming off better. As…
  • Ooooo! Smoothies are my little slice of heaven. My fav atm is a cantaloupe smoothie. Another I've been really wanting to try is a kiwi smoothie I haven't tried this one but I was just looking up another recipe 'berry, cinnamon' and this came up. It looks amazing!…
  • What! Donuts that are good for you!! I have to try these... Donuts are my all time fav...
  • Hmm, now I'm confused!! What I did was change my cal's to my TDEE- 20%. I still log my exercise but I don't eat back my exercise. Don't know if that helps but that's what I did :3
  • I immediantly googled this and they look amazing... and I have some spare nori sheets in my cupboard!! Snacks for today sorted <3 I'd love to try brushing them with wasabi, that would be so much awesome! I also found a photo :P
  • Hahaha such a cute smile!! Great transformation.
  • Wow, that's great post. Love it. Don't know about getting up half an hour earlier though ;) Montey I do something similar, I will lose weight, usually around 8kg/17lb and then I will lose my motivation for weeks. This time I've pushed myself on but even today I struggled to get down on my pilates mat and get that exercise…
  • Hi there, little confused! When you say your core, do you mean your stomach? You're saying that you're tummy is where you retain a lot of weight and you'd like to get rid of it right? Or are you talking about strengthening your core muscles? Either way here's a livestrong post about core muscle groups…
  • I have had that for the last fortnight!! haha but when I measured myself I was a little smaller so my scales are fine and so are yours! Don't stress xx
  • This is a great thread, I just switched to TDEE today (I'm beginning tomorrow). Looking forward to eating more and seeing results!!
  • Omg! What a hunk of spunk you are now!! Excellent work, 228pounds is amazing, you really gunned it!
  • Well done guys, killing it!
  • I'm only on Wk3 so I may have to slow down soon but I walk at 3.4 - 3.7 mph (5.6 - 6 kmph) and I run at 6 mph (9.8 kmph). I'm worried about the later levels though because my momentum is perfect at 6 and I my legs ache worse when I go slower. (I think I've explained my speeds right, translating treadmill to text confuses…
  • You are fabulous. This diary is so inspirational. I slacked off my C25k the last couple of weeks but I'm going to take it back up tomorrow at the week I left off, 3, and nail it. I might even write about it in my blog as you have here to keep me motivated. Can't wait to read your next installment. Have a lovely cruise xx
    in W1D1 Comment by SweetCrumb February 2013
  • .
    in W1D1 Comment by SweetCrumb February 2013
  • Well I'm doing C25K on the tredmill right now and then when I complete it I'm going to go back and start again with outside running incorporating hills, then when I finish the second time I'm going to work on my 5k time. Haven't thought past that though :)) I share your enthusiasm for becoming a runner though, I'd love to…
  • I know even with good shoes, like Assics that they have about a yearly life because the gel or padding in them decompresses and no longer absorbs the shock properly so as much as you don't want to hear it's the shoes it very well may be. Blisters to me suggest rubbing though... Changing socks is a good idea, I wear socks…
  • These are awesome!!! Can't wait to add my own!! 5'7 SW: 87.5 CW: 77.0 Another 7 to go and then I'll reevaluate!!
  • You look amazing... Well done! You've given me hope as my measurements are similar to your first photo atm, except I'm not quite so hour glass. How tall are you?
  • This is exactly what I had been searching for, thanks Heather :)
  • I think you're talking about the implanon implant :)
  • Thanks RPM, I'll keep that in mind. At least with medication you seem to be getting back on track, that gives me some hope if it does turn out I have an underactive thyroid. Island : I don't know the exact test but TSH looks familiar from when I was looking over the pathology slip. I had a whole bunch of tests, four vials…
  • This is awesome!! Great to have a visual on how everyone's going!
  • Hi! I'm new, hope it's okay if I just bust on in ((: This looks like a great group, can't wait to try a weekend challenge! I usually weigh in on Sundays but for the sake of getting on track with you guys I recorded my weight today (: SW (Sunday weigh in) - 170.8 Week 8 - 169.7 (-1.1)
  • HAHAHAHA Funniest reply I've seen in forever!!