

  • Normally I would say to just try to move on, but if you really do think it was intentional I would definitely encourage you to file a police report. If this guy just picked you at random, then there's a chance he has done this or something similar before. The police may already know who he is or may be able to match up…
  • It's just a fact of life on internet forums. I've lurked here for a while and wouldn't say this one is any worse than most. It's much better than some. Anonymity plus an audience brings out the worst in a certain sort of person. The lack of the usual consequences for treating people poorly in real life (such as getting…
  • My father recently died at a relatively young age. I want to be around for as long as possible for my family. If I do go early I want it to be from some sort of crazy action sports accident while out living, not heart disease. ;-)