

  • That statement of "weight training will do nothing for you" is referring to the situation where someone runs 30mins then weight trains for 60-70. After 45min of any training your body will begin to burn muscle due to your glucose levels being depleted and some of your fat storage. In that case you will being to plateau…
  • Stick to one pound, anymore should be considered a bonus.
  • It's this simple, calories out need to be greater then calories in. This equals weight loss.
  • Up your protein intake. Also fruits and Vegs are full of carbs and sugars. You have to be careful because too much of a good thing is still bad for you. Also, Protein: 20-35% of calories burned through processing Carbohydrates: 5-15% of calories burned through processing Fats: 0-5% of calories burned through processing To…
  • Your right about one thing.....cardio is just your warm up. It takes anywhere from 18-20 mins. For your body to warm up before your body starts burning calories. You also don't get the most out of your weight training when doing your cardio first due to using up your energy on endurance training instead of building muscle…
  • Okay, your macros consist of carbs, fats, and proteins. Everyone's marcos are computed differently depending on their body type and goals. Low carb, high protein and fats work for my body. Once you understand what your totals are for each one you need to meet them everyday. My totals are 160 carbs, 94 fat, and 160 protein.…
  • 75% strength and 25% cardio. So if you have an hour to work out 45 min weights and 15 min jog/HITT. Start with the weights and end with cardio. Repeat 4-5 days a week. Keep to your macro totals. Stick to this and you will thank me later!
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