Cardio vs Strength Training Question...



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies :bigsmile:

    My goals are fat loss and fitness increase, I have low energy levels and really want that to change.

    I love the idea to have my fitness goals completely different to my weight loss ones, I think I will try that!!!

    I really want to drop about 30lbs first to take some pressure off my joints then I want to start running, I currently use the elliptical because of the no impact factor.

    I would say 3x a week do strength training, and maybe a couple times a week do some cardio. Cardio isn't necessary for fat loss, but it is good for heart health. I did Zumba for my cardio just because if i'm going to do it, i might as well have a ton of fun while doing it.

    if that is the case then you would benefit from three day a week total body strength training and two days cardio. Build a program around squats, deadlifts, over head press, bench press, chin up, pull ups, etc...
    something like
    mon - weights
    tues - run
    wens weights
    thurs run
    friday weights
    sat/sun off ....or whatever fits into your schedule..

    good luck...
  • Jrredman87
    75% strength and 25% cardio. So if you have an hour to work out 45 min weights and 15 min jog/HITT. Start with the weights and end with cardio. Repeat 4-5 days a week. Keep to your macro totals. Stick to this and you will thank me later!

    I think it all depends on the person. For me I know that if I don't do my cardio first -- 30 minutes -- then I'm not going to do it after I do my 60-70 minutes of weights. By time I'm done lifting I'm spent and I just don't even want to think about hitting a machine to do some cardio. I do my cardio before and even though it's hard cardio I'm not too tired to lift heavy.

    It honestly comes down to the person and what works for them. I've tried to do cardio after my weights and all I want to do is go home when I'm done lifting. I know that my measly 30 min. of cardio before is just my warm up and I'm not going to leave until I'm done with my hard lifting session.

    Your right about one thing.....cardio is just your warm up. It takes anywhere from 18-20 mins. For your body to warm up before your body starts burning calories. You also don't get the most out of your weight training when doing your cardio first due to using up your energy on endurance training instead of building muscle which also has an afterburn of 24 hrs compared to cardio of one. Afterburn is burning calories after you finish your work out. You are almost doing more harm by doing that much weight training after that long of cardio. If cardio is your goal I would start with just doing abs for 15 mins then doing your cardio for 30. That 60-70 mins of weight training essentially doing nothing for you. Don't get me wrong you will burn calories but you won't advance your training past a certain point. You plateau very quickly. Look around the gym, you will see the same people in there every time your there. They do mostly the same thing everyday and look exactly the same. You have to do the things no one wants to do today so you can do the things they can't tomorrow!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    75% strength and 25% cardio. So if you have an hour to work out 45 min weights and 15 min jog/HITT. Start with the weights and end with cardio. Repeat 4-5 days a week. Keep to your macro totals. Stick to this and you will thank me later!

    I think it all depends on the person. For me I know that if I don't do my cardio first -- 30 minutes -- then I'm not going to do it after I do my 60-70 minutes of weights. By time I'm done lifting I'm spent and I just don't even want to think about hitting a machine to do some cardio. I do my cardio before and even though it's hard cardio I'm not too tired to lift heavy.

    It honestly comes down to the person and what works for them. I've tried to do cardio after my weights and all I want to do is go home when I'm done lifting. I know that my measly 30 min. of cardio before is just my warm up and I'm not going to leave until I'm done with my hard lifting session.

    Your right about one thing.....cardio is just your warm up. It takes anywhere from 18-20 mins. For your body to warm up before your body starts burning calories. You also don't get the most out of your weight training when doing your cardio first due to using up your energy on endurance training instead of building muscle which also has an afterburn of 24 hrs compared to cardio of one. Afterburn is burning calories after you finish your work out. You are almost doing more harm by doing that much weight training after that long of cardio. If cardio is your goal I would start with just doing abs for 15 mins then doing your cardio for 30. That 60-70 mins of weight training essentially doing nothing for you. Don't get me wrong you will burn calories but you won't advance your training past a certain point. You plateau very quickly. Look around the gym, you will see the same people in there every time your there. They do mostly the same thing everyday and look exactly the same. You have to do the things no one wants to do today so you can do the things they can't tomorrow!

    I disagree with the 'weight training will do nothing for you" statement. I weight train and have not had any plateau. Have increased deadlift from 200# to 235# and squat from 170 to 225 ...Yes, I may do the same exercise but every time I do that exercise I am adding weight or reps, so I am progressing.

    All training should be linear in that each time you are making slight improvements and not just doing the same weight and reps every time.

    I also fail to understand how weight training won't advance your progress...??????
  • Jrredman87
    75% strength and 25% cardio. So if you have an hour to work out 45 min weights and 15 min jog/HITT. Start with the weights and end with cardio. Repeat 4-5 days a week. Keep to your macro totals. Stick to this and you will thank me later!

    I think it all depends on the person. For me I know that if I don't do my cardio first -- 30 minutes -- then I'm not going to do it after I do my 60-70 minutes of weights. By time I'm done lifting I'm spent and I just don't even want to think about hitting a machine to do some cardio. I do my cardio before and even though it's hard cardio I'm not too tired to lift heavy.

    It honestly comes down to the person and what works for them. I've tried to do cardio after my weights and all I want to do is go home when I'm done lifting. I know that my measly 30 min. of cardio before is just my warm up and I'm not going to leave until I'm done with my hard lifting session.

    Your right about one thing.....cardio is just your warm up. It takes anywhere from 18-20 mins. For your body to warm up before your body starts burning calories. You also don't get the most out of your weight training when doing your cardio first due to using up your energy on endurance training instead of building muscle which also has an afterburn of 24 hrs compared to cardio of one. Afterburn is burning calories after you finish your work out. You are almost doing more harm by doing that much weight training after that long of cardio. If cardio is your goal I would start with just doing abs for 15 mins then doing your cardio for 30. That 60-70 mins of weight training essentially doing nothing for you. Don't get me wrong you will burn calories but you won't advance your training past a certain point. You plateau very quickly. Look around the gym, you will see the same people in there every time your there. They do mostly the same thing everyday and look exactly the same. You have to do the things no one wants to do today so you can do the things they can't tomorrow!

    I disagree with the 'weight training will do nothing for you" statement. I weight train and have not had any plateau. Have increased deadlift from 200# to 235# and squat from 170 to 225 ...Yes, I may do the same exercise but every time I do that exercise I am adding weight or reps, so I am progressing.

    All training should be linear in that each time you are making slight improvements and not just doing the same weight and reps every time.

    I also fail to understand how weight training won't advance your progress...??????

    That statement of "weight training will do nothing for you" is referring to the situation where someone runs 30mins then weight trains for 60-70. After 45min of any training your body will begin to burn muscle due to your glucose levels being depleted and some of your fat storage. In that case you will being to plateau over a long term....not short term. Gains will be made. Nothing wrong with doing the same exercise every time as long as your doing them right. Form, speed, and weight. Also weight training is the key to success right behind nutrition. Cardio is a supplement that helps you achieve your daily calorie intake by allowing you to eat more and still lose weight.