jeridith Member


  • Completed the programme yesterday! I'm really surprised, and shocked! that I'm running and liking it! When my husband told me about this app, my response was "no way an app can make me run!!" But it did!! My next goal is to get fast enough to actually run 5k in 30ish minutes. At the moment it takes me 46, so I have a while…
  • W8D2 done. One more to graduation!
  • W8D1 done :)
  • W7D3 done!
  • W7D2 done!
  • W7D1 done!
  • I have no health issues with wheat so eat it daily, and am steadily loosing weight. I do eat whole freshly ground rather than highly processed white, but whether that makes any difference I don't know.
  • W6D3 done! Actually done yesterday, but forgot to update :)
  • W6D2 done!
  • W6D1 done with a new personal best time for 5k! Still snail-pace slow, but a slightly more speedy snail's pace :)
  • W5D3 done!
  • Great job!!!
  • W5D2 done. It's been pouring rain, and I have no treadmill. The old me would have said "Grand!" and cancelled running today. The new, almost unrecognisable to me, me said, "I'll have to improvise!", so I ran laps in the house!! Who would have thunkit!! Great programme, and great encouragement from all here :). To everyone…
  • Welcome!! Like others have so wisely said, don't get too hung up on the labels :) I include dairy in my diet, but as we are blessed to have a house cow, all my dairy is raw and unprocessed (except by me! :)). I also include grains, as long as they are freshly ground so none of the nutrients are missing (which is more of a…
  • W5D1 done!
  • W4D3 done!
  • W4D2 done :)
  • W4D1 done deal :)
  • W3D3 done
  • My easy to remember rule for eating (which I follow about 95% of the time, the other 5 or so percent being eating out or eating socially with friends) is: if my great-grandmother wouldn't recognise it as food, I don't eat it. It doesn't mean I have to make every thing from scratch that I eat, but I need to be able to at…
  • W3D2 done!
  • Fruit contains sugar. Candy contains sugar. Donuts contain sugar. Those little packages of sugar contain sugar. All the sugar in all those different packages is chemically identical. The packaging, however, is not identical. Now to the OP, I had/have a HUGE sweet tooth, and have been known to eat an entire family sized…
    in Sugar Comment by jeridith March 2014
  • As this is a vegan thread and I didn't want to offend or traumatise anyone, I left out what happens to the calf bit, but as you asked :). The calf is allowed to stay here with his mother until the new calf arrives (usually when the calf is 18 months old, so not veal anymore), so the cow isn't upset with losing her pasture…
    in Vegan? Comment by jeridith March 2014
  • I'm sure you probably didn't really mean to lump every single milk drinker in the entire world into the animal abuser crowd, but just in case you did, a little bit of information so as to broaden your horizons. My cow is a pet: loved, scratched, coddled, and petted. She keeps her babies and we share the milk until such…
    in Vegan? Comment by jeridith March 2014
  • Back at it after a long hiatus due to the heat (and to be honest about it all, my own laziness!), and went back to W3D1. Completed it without too much trouble, and it did feel good to be back out there running :)
  • As everyone has said, start small! My journey to where I an now started over apples about 8 years or so ago. I read (just rather accidentally) about the process by which they now appear in the grocery store, and though how yuck and unnecessary that was, so switched to organic or farmers market/ farm gate apples. As I read…
  • I too was really shocked at the vehemence Paleo and clean eating questions were responded to on the main forums. I had (naively it seems! ) assumed people concerned enough about their weight to join a calorie counting forum would be supportive of all questions and food choices. I mean I don't usually accost strangers or…
  • Thank you all for the warm welcome, and information on Paleo! The A in the SAD diet could just as easily be Australia, and I don't believe I've ever met anyone here mention Paleo or Primal as food lifestyles, so the information has all been very interesting! To Akima: ewwww and yuck to processed vegetable oils! /shudder.…
  • Late to this thread! Annatto, a natural plant-based food colouring very commonly found in cheeses to give them their bright yellow colour, has been linked to outbursts of rage and head banging incidents. I believe it's number 160b in the ingredient lists.
  • I've made zucchini chips by just slicing them, then placing them in the dehydrator (or oven as in above posters recipe) until dry. Then once dry add salt, or cayenne pepper to them, and for real decadance try coating them in white vinegar before drying, then add salt when dry. Yum!! And no more calories than a regular…