

  • I am in!!!! I have been just holding, kind of in a rut......not as motivated as I was. I need to get back to excercising and making better food choices. Realistic Goal: 10 pounds Wishful Goal:20 pounds! I would be happy with either!
  • Also side note.....when I say gym in my small town, I mean small there is no classes offered and the equipment is the only options to use. I live in a town that has one traffic light and no stop signs to speak of, the gym is in the high school and is open to the public for a fee each month. I am going to attempt to use it…
  • Thanks for responding, maybe toning was not the right terminology. I want to develop my strength and muscle tone.....and according to all the research that I have been doing building muscle will boost weight loss because more calories are burned with the more muscle you have. (If I retained all of the stuff that there is…
  • Wow....I have lost and elephants heart and a rack of baby back ribs!
  • I am most suprised at the fact that none of my shoes fit anymore, all way too big. Crossing my legs has become something I love to do as it is now SO much easier. I am most suprised at the reaction my husband has had, he still makes comments about bones that he didn't remember me having when we met 20 years ago......I tell…
  • Awesome post! Thank you for reminding me that I can't ruin my progress from ONE day, I didn't get fat by overeating for ONE day! You helped me see that all is not lost if I fall off the wagon I just have to run along side and jump back in! Thank you!
  • I am in also, I bought this and did it for like 3 days and then as usual life got in the way. ( I have a 17yr old daughter who is graduation June 21st, busy busy busy!) I would definately love to have someone to hold me accountable as I sometimes do not hold myself accountable nearly as much as I should. Looking forward to…
  • I may be a bit biased here because my husband works for Chobani and we get alot of free yogurt, but I have tried others and just always go back to Chobani, my favorite it the Blood Orange!!!! AMAZING!!!!
  • I just started the C25K on Monday, my 16yr old daughter is doing it with me. Today will be my second day as yesterday was my rest day. I am more sore today then I was yesterday! I am hoping that once I get started and stretch it will be ok. I am going to give it my all!
  • Thanks alot for the advice on stretching, I did a bit of it before I started but maybe need to do more. I am going to continue through the pain because the reward outweighs the sacrifice.....hopefully!
    in C25k Comment by jwool40 May 2013
  • Hello All, I just started doing the C25K program and have not been able to load the app to my ipod as of yet. My 16yr old daughter downloaded it onto her Iphone and is doing it with me. We have only completed day 1 and today we will do it again and I am more sore today than I was yesterday......any suggestions? My legs and…
    in C25k Comment by jwool40 May 2013
  • Height: 5' 3" Age: 40 yr old female Highest Weight: 251 lbs Current Weight: 198 lbs Lowest Weight: 156 lbs before my children 17 years ago! Goal Weight: 170 lbs I started my diet in May 2012, kind of went off track for about 5-6 months and started again on Feb 22nd and have been doing great. Lost 26 lbs since starting back…
  • Hello Everyone, I am new to MFP as well. I started on my new diet on 02/22/13 and so far so good! I am feeling so much better and have more energy! I am seeing a difference and that really helps! I could use some friends who know what I am going through and can help keep me motivated! Thanks, Have a GREAT Day!