leomcdee Member


  • Just joined the group, I'm definitely keen to weigh-in. (It's Tuesday but I'm going to start with today's weight as I logged this morning) Start weight: 170 Goal Weight: 150 Lbs to Lose: 20 09/16: 170 10/03: 11/07: 12/05: 12/26:
  • I used to have the same problem, if there was chocolate or cookies or cake in the cupboards, I'd eat it all, regardless of hunger! I had a mini binge just the other day in fact, I bought some Biscoff Spread, and was just eating it outta the jar. In the end, I had to spoil the spread, else I knew I would just eat it all.…
  • It *is* for your health but it seems to me like your doctor could learn some compassion. I understand s/he wants to motivate you, but jeez... Anyway, you are doing REALLY well and you don't need to obsess about the numbers (easier said than done I know). If you go a little over one day, you're still at a deficit, you're…
  • This is the worst thing anyone has ever done to me.
  • I had a similar issue, it turned out be a Vitamin D deficiency. You get Vit D from the sun, it's not in many foods (although some dairy products are fortified with it) so my doctor advised me to take some supplements. They made a huge difference. The other thing is, are you eating enough? If I don't eat enough I feel…
    in Tired Comment by leomcdee September 2014
  • My other half is gluten intolerant and even he tries to avoid GF bread. You can use that stuff as a weapon!
  • Hey! Welcome and well done for signing up, the first step is always the hardest! I have pretty severe MH problems myself - OCD, depression and anxiety. I went on some tablets last year (with weight gain as a side-effect), and started eating for comfort and must've piled on 14lbs in 9 months. I was already slightly…
  • Heeey everyone! This is exciting :)
  • I figured the ticker gave it away. Trying to lose around 40 lbs.
  • Thanks for the requests dudes! I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now :flowerforyou:
  • First, congrats on your weight loss! Have you lost 56 lbs in 5 weeks? That's really something! Second, I'm no nutritionist but you seem to be waaay under your calorie goal every day. You could try eating more each day and then you might not feel like you're body is slowing down. I like the idea of a treat day but any time…
  • I found an amazing recipe for crispy chicken. It requires no fat (you dry fry it) and it stays really moist. For 2 breasts: Squeeze the juice of one lemon and one lime into a flat dish, add a pinch of chili flakes or a finely sliced chili Place the breast smooth-side down (the side where the skin would have been) in the…
  • 400 days is amazing though, that's an awesome achievement and it sounds like you had a lot on your plate. I'm logging again too, hopefully seeing the red writing of doom where my calorie count is will help motivate me ;)
  • We home cook all our meals, I found logging every single ingredient actually helped me with portion control. There's just two of us, and neither of us are really leftovers people, so we just cook enough for the one meal. I split the recipe down the middle, but even if my other half eats a little more than me, I'll keep…
  • I hit my highest weight 3 weeks ago, at 13 stone. my frame is naturally very petite, so I just looked awful. Pre-MFP I would eat takeout once or twice a week, convenience food like frozen pizzas, homemade meals with loads of oil, cheese and no portion control whatsoever. But the worst part was the binges on sweet food;…
  • Thanks all. I didn't even consider the sodium levels in restaurant food. Thanks for pointing that out! I'm really excited and feeling quite motivated to make good decisions and not go overboard buuuut it's holiday and when I'm sat at a restaurant I don't know that I'll choose a salad over a big juicy burger ;)
  • Wow, you look fantastic! Congrats!
  • I'm only 9 days in and my wedding ring is definitely looser. My fingers had gotten a bit chubby, and I had a wedding ring 'muffin top' :laugh: that's gone now...
  • Hey Heather, Welcome! I'm new here too, started a week ago. I learnt A LOT in my first week, did so much home cooking and recipe testing and discovered new healthy foods, it's been really fun. Walking is excellent, a good hour and half of solid pace could burn up to 500 cals, so it's a great start. I don't really have any…
  • Thanks guys, good to know it's normal/probably water weight ;) I have to say, I don't mind that it's coming off quickly, I'd just rather not be hungry all the time. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it's real hunger or my body just reacting out of habit. I had (have) a serious problem with binge eating (a disorder) and I…
  • Sorry, I should have clarified: my goal set by MFP is 1200, so I'm eating at least that PLUS any exercise calories, around 1300 - 1600 a day.
  • Thanks so much everyone. Lots of really good advice to put to the test. I've been starving all day, even though I've eaten well (lots of nutrients, though a little low on protein). I need to keep my cupboards clear of junk food, else I will binge, but I think buying the occasional single portion of chocolate/cake/crisps…
  • Thanks all, some great advice. As for fitting cravings into calories, I will try and do that but I have a problem with binge-eating so I need to limit the type of foods I'd usually binge on until I get over it. I'm not sure 4 days is long enough, yet ;). Another quick question; are macros the same as calories? Or is that…