leomcdee Member


  • I lost a stone in 4 weeks before my wedding. Weighed about the same as you and didn't do anything too drastic. I just ate at a deficit and exercised. You have to be very accurate with your logging and weigh all your food. And if the dress is still too tight, get it taken out.
  • Don't let it hurt your feelings, brides-to-be are notoriously tactless, she's in wedding mode and thinks everyone else should be too. Never lose weight for anyone else. Do it for you, and you alone. You can definitely lose 70lbs in nearly two years - you wouldn't even need to lose a pound a week! That's totally achievable!…
  • Swimming and ballet. Walking is alright too, but I get bored ;)
  • Oh, this sounds like fun. I'm in!
  • I'm so sorry you're going through this. I suffer from depression and OCD, so I know how hard it is... to do anything! But any small step you make to improve your well-being is really, really positive. So, here are the non-medical things I do when I'm having an episode: - Exercise. As hard as it is to find that motivation,…
  • I'm a freelance hack (writer/journalist). Some of you guys do amazing work and have my utmost respect!
  • Couple of my best friends are men. But then I am basically a dude with boobs. My husband is totally cool with whoever I hang out with, because he trusts me. And vice versa. He can be friends with whoever he wants. Unless she's really hot, then I'm gonna kneecap her if she so much as looks at him. Just kidding...
  • The flabby bits above my knees (at the bottom of my thighs) are gone! Today I just noticed weight loss on random body parts, which makes me feel awesome :bigsmile:
  • Hey AnnMarie Congrats on giving up the wine and losing a stone so far - that's amazing progress! My advice: don't listen to people who say things are 'bad' for you! Liberte 0% fat yoghurt is full of protein and it's only 58 cal per 100g, so unless you're eating bucket loads of it a day, it's perfect for breakfast with a…
  • "Likely". Given the rampant number of studies paid for by non-medical corporations with their own agenda and/or studies performed for the direct purpose of proving something (thus, fewer controls/skewing of results), I tend to take them with a pinch of salt. 3 studies does not prove anything. I do see why you are…
  • Haha! So true!
  • Me too! Well, a software engineer, kinda the same thing right? He's also gluten and dairy intolerant. We're a nightmare to have over for dinner.
  • This is a terrible, terrible example. People don't give up eating one type of food when they have allergies, i.e. sandwiches. Gluten is in a LOT of stuff, and it's usually the only common ingredient. Unless someone is allergic/intolerant to lots of things, it's likely gluten is the culprit. Also, there's gluten free…
  • Yep, we get some right characters in the Daily Fail. Just recently there was a wannabe glamour model who wanted to sell tickets to the birth of her child. ETA: I think the Fail pays really well for stories like that though, so I can see why it's tempting for some... uh, people.
  • Playing devil's advocate here but... healthy food such as fresh produce is more expensive than frozen pizzas, oven chips, chicken nuggets and other junk. I live in the UK and my other half and I were discussing this the other day, since eating more home-cooked, fresh, healthy meals our food bill has gone up quite a lot. In…
  • Binge eating sweet foods - biscuits, cake, chocolate, ice cream. I'd comfort eat after a bad day, and reward myself after a good day - I basically used anything as an excuse to eat. I could eat an entire packet of oreos in one sitting. It makes me feel sick to think how I treated my body. Even though I still *have* to have…
  • I'm 5'5 my current weight is 170 (ish) lbs and my goal weight is 133. It's going to take some time though :s
  • Hello! Congrats on your success so far. They say the last few lbs are the hardest to shift, so take it slow and don't stress! Feel free to add me, I'm on every day! L x
  • Jillian Michaels workouts, ballet (Ballet Beautiful is amazing and really hardcore), walking - I usually walk in comfortable, open flats or flip flops. But the most important thing here is, can we see a picture of the tattoo? I freaking love tats.
  • Routines are fine for some people, but for others (like me) it's a motivation-killer. If I knew I had to wake up everyday at 6 am to fit in a workout I'd last less than a week. At the moment, I'm fitting exercise in when I can (almost every day). It might be early morning, evening or right in the middle of the day. It…
  • Hey lovely, ugh, I've been there, a couple years ago when trying to lose weight I'd last a week or two at a time. This time I'm really dedicated, and don't see it as a diet but a way of life. Nothing has changed, except my mindset. I have not worked out for three weeks - That's OK, just put your gym clothes on and go…
  • I don't cheat and I don't have any 'guilty pleasures' both those terms imply I'm doing something wrong. Instead, I eat whatever the hell I want, every damn day, as long as it fits my calories. Some days are healthier than others but I always find room for chocolate or cake ;)
  • Maybe your jeans shrunk, because you look incredible and maybe even slimmer than your 'old' self!
  • Hi hi! My name is Leonie, I'm 26 and living in the UK. My goal is to lose around 49 lbs, get fit and feel awesome. Before I started this journey I was always lethargic and feeling unwell. 1 month in and I feel so much better already. Anyways, in for some friends, add me up y'all :flowerforyou:
  • The dress is gorgeous and so are you!
  • I hit my highest weight the day before starting MFP. I was 13 stone or 182 lbs and on a downward spiral of eating too much and moving too little. At the time I was mortified - I was so ashamed at the way I had treated my body and 'let myself go'. I've only told a few people (in real life) how much I weighed but to be…
  • I work from home, but when I used to work in an office I'd take chicken salad with a low-cal dressing. Or a 'bento' style box of lots of different things - carrot, cucumber, hummus, granola bars, yoghurt, fruit, pitta bread, falafels, boiled eggs, raisins etc (not all at once, obviously) and then I wouldn't get bored.
  • WOW. And that dress...
  • I really hate a lot of 'traditional' exercises; running, gym, body weight, interval training but I LOVE swimming so that's what I do for fitness because I stick to it. I'm not too bothered about composition at the moment, more concerned about being a healthy weight, but I imagine when I get to that weight, my attitude will…