reading this really annoyed me!!



  • Early_Riser
    Early_Riser Posts: 127 Member
    'I tried swimming but it cost £22 a month and it meant I had to cut back on my favourite pizza and Chinese takeaways.'

  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    The Daily Mail makes up 90% of their stories, and grossly exaggerates the other 10%. Last time I glanced at that rag, they had written a story saying that women should pay higher taxes because they live longer, and cost the NHS more money for hip replacements and breast cancer and stuff.
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    My husband is from the UK, I just sent him the article and he went on a rant about how much cheaper fresh food is in the UK compared to the cost of junk food and take away (take-out).'s the UK, you don't need a gym membership! There are soooo many things you can do to get exercise it's ridiculous, you're not limited to an outdoor run. Ugh.

    in the UK you can get gym membership on prescription from your doctor so you dont have to pay!

    Oh I know, it's part of NHS! Gym memberships are for health, therefore covered by their healthcare system, as are many cosmetic procedures. She could probably get free liposuction to get her started and "motivated", but we can all tell it's not being healthy that she's looking for, it's more money.

    Nah, the NHS wouldn't give her liposuction if she didn't want to eat better and lose weight and stuff. If this article is accurate (and that is very unlikely), the NHS wouldn't spend money on her if they thought she wouldn't make lifestyle changes.

    There is a lot of scare-mongering about people on benefits in the UK, in line with the Conservative agenda, to make people think that people on benefits are scroungers who don't deserve a life of luxury paid for by honest hard-working tax-payers, blah blah etc. I don't trust this article for a second. 50% of people who get money from the government are pensioners, and most of the rest are working but not earning enough to survive, and can't work more because the unemployment rates are really high right now. The press are biased and skew things to make the public hate people on benefits and this is a very good example of that.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    What a lazy *****. apples cost less than poptarts. Get your fat *kitten* going for a walk, getting a job, get off the dole, and be a real mother to your kids by being a ROLE MODEL.

    Sorry, stories like this really piss me off. I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old. I have a good job although I do work like 50 hours a week. I'm losing weight and have a $10 a month planet fatness membership.

    Of course, our stories aren't the same since I waited until I was 32 to have kids (Maybe it's me, but condoms aren't that hard to figure out.) I also have a second income as I'm married to my kids dad, but even if I wasn't I would show my kids the right way to live and have pride in themselves and hard work.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Crap, I'd love to get benefits. Granted, I'm not in the UK, but I eat healthy and I'm a single mom of 3 kids. I do it on a single income.
  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Plenty of money for tats and jewels though.

    My thoughts exactly! :noway:
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    My husband is from the UK, I just sent him the article and he went on a rant about how much cheaper fresh food is in the UK compared to the cost of junk food and take away (take-out).'s the UK, you don't need a gym membership! There are soooo many things you can do to get exercise it's ridiculous, you're not limited to an outdoor run. Ugh.

    in the UK you can get gym membership on prescription from your doctor so you dont have to pay!

    Oh I know, it's part of NHS! Gym memberships are for health, therefore covered by their healthcare system, as are many cosmetic procedures. She could probably get free liposuction to get her started and "motivated", but we can all tell it's not being healthy that she's looking for, it's more money.

    No we don't get free liposuction or other cosmetic surgery on the NHS and although we don't have to pay we do have to wait - imagine waiting 3 months for a heart bypass?

    I have known several individuals who have received cosmetic surgery via NHS...including my husband :ohwell:, plus...I rather wait 3 months for a bypass than depend on the US system (prior to the ACA) of "go bankrupt while trying to get treatment"

    Post-injury cosmetic surgery is definitely a thing. I know someone who had a "nose job" because he couldn't breathe properly, and his nose looked more normal afterwards because surgeons care what their work looks like. Chest reconstruction for transgender people, breast cancer survivors, burn victims, etc etc. Psychological problems where people want surgery because of mental health issues (like body dysmorphic disorder) are treated psychiatrically.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    when I read she tried swimming, but the cost per month took away from her pizza and chinese takeaway I just about lost it! Does anyone really believe that if she gets more money she will spend it correctly?
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    My husband is from the UK, I just sent him the article and he went on a rant about how much cheaper fresh food is in the UK compared to the cost of junk food and take away (take-out).'s the UK, you don't need a gym membership! There are soooo many things you can do to get exercise it's ridiculous, you're not limited to an outdoor run. Ugh.

    in the UK you can get gym membership on prescription from your doctor so you dont have to pay!

    Oh I know, it's part of NHS! Gym memberships are for health, therefore covered by their healthcare system, as are many cosmetic procedures. She could probably get free liposuction to get her started and "motivated", but we can all tell it's not being healthy that she's looking for, it's more money.

    No we don't get free liposuction or other cosmetic surgery on the NHS and although we don't have to pay we do have to wait - imagine waiting 3 months for a heart bypass?

    Imagine having to sell your house and most of your belongings to pay for one? I'd rather wait three months lol
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    She lives on 20k GBP a year. That's 1667 GBP a month or 26716 USD or 2139 Euro. Are you kidding me? I lived on 500 Euro a month as a student. Now I live on 1500 Euro and I have to pay more than 400 GBP/month rent from that . That lady should learn to read up on how to buy good food. *shakes fist*
  • jc_0324
    I can't believe she said this---> 'I tried swimming but it cost £22 a month and it meant I had to cut back on my favourite pizza and Chinese takeaways. I don't feel bad about the taxpayer funding my life and my child's medical problems, because I don't treat myself or buy anything excessive. I just get enough money to live on - the taxpayers should help fund my diet.'

    Fruits and veggies are not any more expensive than chips and cookies, at least not in the US, of course organic or gluten free are but it's not necessary in her case.. So many people feel that they are "owed" this because they're poor and choose to have children. I'm a single mother of 2 and worked two jobs! I don't have to anymore because my kids are adults and have their own job.

    This makes me sick.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Crap, I'd love to get benefits. Granted, I'm not in the UK, but I eat healthy and I'm a single mom of 3 kids. I do it on a single income.

    I don't know how you do it. I had my 2 kids with no help for 3 days while my husband was out of town. At the end of 3 days when he came home, I was like comatose.

    I really admire the grit it takes to raise kids alone and on 1 income.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I don't know. This is a joke right? Her cupboard is stuffed with cookies and such but she needs more money for healthier food?

    I call bullsh*t.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Wow, just wow...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Plenty of money for tats and jewels though.
    I must admit, I struggle with tattoos in this instance. I have two family members on the dole who constantly ask me for money. But have big ole flat screen TVs (twice the size of mine), and are always getting new tattoos.

    I guess my priorities are just different.
  • NotShena
    NotShena Posts: 172 Member
    Is this a tabloid? Just seems like it was created to produce conflict. Baiting the reader to be judgmental about her saying that she got pregnant after a one night stand and that the children have different fathers. Is this the British version of Jerry Springer? The article really has no purpose except to call judgment on someone else.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    Ya know,
    if she had medical problems that generally made it hard for her to loose weight, like say nerve damage, back pain, something that restricted her movement, and got no help for it, I'd be first one to say poor girl.

    But living here in the UK, admittedly you can buy biscuits and chocolates quite cheap from likes of asda, but their fruit cheaper, same as bread, and all sorts of other things, tins of spuds, rice, pasta, noodles, frozen veg, hell, she lives in wigan, I know 100% as I live in next town from there, they have a massive hyper store in wigan, plus iceland, aldi's, tesco's, a lidl's i think too, all do really great cheap healthy foods.

    So what she is saying about junk food being cheaper is total ***T.

    a take away for her and 2 kids be at least £10 probably more £15+, I stocked my freezer up with tons of lovely foods from iceland for £25 and it last me over 2 months.

    It's people like her that give us genuine big people with problems a bad rep.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I don't know. This is a joke right? Her cupboard is stuffed with cookies and such but she needs more money for healthier food?

    I call bullsh*t.
    I dunno. I've been to food banks in the U.S. And they are chock full of heavily refined carbs (with really long shelf lives). And not a lot else.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Lazy people just get more lazy with taxpayer money. I better not be paying for people like that.

    "I tried swimming but it cost £22 a month and it meant I had to cut back on my favourite pizza and Chinese takeaways." LOL really.

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  • leomcdee
    leomcdee Posts: 60 Member
    Playing devil's advocate here but... healthy food such as fresh produce is more expensive than frozen pizzas, oven chips, chicken nuggets and other junk. I live in the UK and my other half and I were discussing this the other day, since eating more home-cooked, fresh, healthy meals our food bill has gone up quite a lot.

    In addition nutritious snacks like nuts, rice cakes, popcorn, greek yoghurt, fruit are quite expensive compared to biscuits (cookies) and sweets which can be bought in bulk for pennies.

    It can be difficult for low income families, but not impossible. My mum managed it with FOUR kids and one wage.