

  • Once you get into the habit of prepping your own brown bag lunches and snacks it will become part of your routine. Buy a cute lunch bag and a bunch of different sizes of plastic containers and pack all of your food in the morning or even at night. Once you stop eating the dinners you will be really surprised because they…
  • Arbonne Chocolate Protein Shake, mixed with 1 cup of unsweetened Almond Coconut milk, additional water and some ice. Also, Almased shakes are very good and low glycemic. If I am still hungry I will have a hard boiled egg. The hard boiled egg is my go to snack and I always have one (prepeeled and salted) in my lunch bag or…
  • Thanks!! How true and I have been in this frame of mind today as I stay at a 10 lb plateau for 2 weeks. Literally everthing in life, including weight loss, is a mental exercise more than anything. Last night as I got off the treadmill and treated myself to a seltzer I knew that todays weigh in would leave me at the…