oh droool... bananas & peanut butter.....nom.
my favorite is
Belly fat is always the hardest. I can only say what worked for me. For me it was all about clean eating, eat close to the earth and little to no processing. After I made that change it fell off. After all they say abs are made in the kitchen.
very nice, thanks for sharing.
Woot! Michigan here!
1 but want more.... lots more. Next one is an owl! or a half sleeve! So many body parts, so little time.
I was stuck in 130s for sometime, I did insanity and dropped to 123, cut dairy now I'm 114. My goal is 110 to 102 depending on how my body looks. I'm not going for stick figure though.
I used calisthenics - vigorous effort. I'm sure I burned more than that but it provided a general idea.
Daiya cheese, coconut milk yogurt/milk/creamer, and tempeh are my favorite.
I decided to come off the pill for that reason and the fact that it gave me the worst migraines, I lost 6 lbs in the month that followed. I don't know if it's water weight because I had plateaued for 3 months and the only major change was the pill. Either way I'm happy to be as chemical free as possible and I feel…