Joannavictoriaashley Member


  • The scales are a really poor measurement of dieting and fitness achievements, as lean body mass is heavier than fat. While initially I have used scales to see how im going, once I start on a healthy living regime, clothes size is a far better measurement. I find trying to get on an old pair of jeans so much less stressful…
  • I will attempt to make this today. Sounds great, and love that the avocado makes it a bit more fulfilling :smile:
  • Just had to share this recipe posted by one of our members! Sunforme3 :smile: 2 bananas mashed in to 1 cup oatmeal (uncooked) 6 chopped almonds Few mini choc chips Mash together then bake at 350 degrees (180 UK) for 15 mins. Makes approx 10 cookies.
  • Love the sound of those cookies! I'll be making some tonight. :)
  • I do love pickled onions, but haven't had them in a while...might try it (don't think hubby will be pleased though) :laugh:
  • Can you cover these in chocolate before you bring them around? :wink:
  • Life's too short not to enjoy a little indulgence from time to time. :drinker: For me, although I'm disappointed I gained all my weight, I now feel quite excited about getting back the old 'me'. It's given me a kick up the backside to get active anyhow! :blushing:
  • Anything you do to add/tone muscle mass, will help avoid any annoying weight gain - even if you can only manage upper body. Don't forget calf raises too! :smile:
  • Thanks Brandy! :drinker:
  • Do you have any particular coping mechanisms for dealing with your cravings? Mine are the worst in the evenings too, I think when I get tired and settle down to watch a bit of tv. A comfort thing I guess. The only thing that has ever worked for me, is to keep my blood sugar stabilised. It's hard though when you NEED…
  • Hi Kylee, sorry to hear about your accident! Maybe fitness is actually bad for our health after all! :noway: Do you suffer much pain when walking? I would suggest (as long as doctors ok it) that you work at a power walking routine, perhaps using hills if there are any nearby? Otherwise a treadmill using an incline. You can…
  • Hi Melissa, 40lbs is an amazing achievement! I too have an under active thyroid, which I believe happened as a result of an eating disorder I suffered in my early 20's. I am now treated with thyroxine (have been for many years), but never really feel 100% healthy. Are you feeling back to your old self since being diagnosed…
  • Hi Juliann and Jodid, great to have you both on board! :) I'm hoping too that together can really make positive changes to our lives, whether its weight loss, diet or whatever else. You can't beat having good girlfriends when it comes to life's dramas! Xx
  • Hi! :) great to have you in the group. I've experienced pretty much the same thing as you, I took my eye off the ball for a while, and before I knew it I had gained a stone in weight. Now I struggle to shift it due to limited time for myself. I do really hope we can all keep each other on track to our weight loss goals.…
  • Almonds seem to include all the minerals and vits that I need to top up on! My worse times are the evenings, where I truly crave something sweet. I need something before bed to help me sleep, so I'll probably have a fruit protein smoothie.