mrseash Member


  • My name is Rachelle. I'll be 39 next month and I have 5 kids ages 6-13. I'm 5' 6" ish and currently weigh 155. My comfortable weight is about 147 but I keep trying to get to 140 with no luck because I always give up too soon. I work a desk job and try to exercise but it's never regular enough. I'm hoping to get under 150…
  • I do the very same thing. I will do well for a week or two and lose a few pounds and then BAM, I have a binge or stop tracking for several days or even weeks. Then I gain the weight back that I had lost and start all over.
  • I would love to join, please!
  • I'm in a similar position though you are smaller than me. Maybe your body is protesting the next loss and you just need to be patient? Wish I had the answer.
  • I haven't lost anything in 4-5 weeks. :-( At one point I was down 11 lbs and within the last 4-6 weeks it has bounced all over the place and I'm at a 6 pound loss. I have definitely been in that cycle of rapid weight loss, then quitting and gaining it all back over and over. I don't want to do to that anymore. When I lower…
  • Yes, I use a HRM. I'm actually a group fitness instructor and do strength training twice a week. I work full time and have 5 kids so getting my exercise in isn't as easy as it used to be. I do have a donut once a week on Fridays at work and I so look forward to it. LOL! I have a wicked sweet tooth so I try to have smaller…
  • Bump.....
  • Opened my diary. I have my daily goal at 1600. When I lowered it to 1500 I struggled a little bit more and I think it was mental. I like to go by weekly totals to give myself leeway if I go over one day. My weekly average net is usually right around 1460 give or take 50 cals. Average gross is 1650-1950 with weekly calorie…
  • Thank you so much for sharing. I am at that last 10 pounds as well and find it so difficult. I keep thinking, maybe I should decrease my calories but I don't want to. I already feel "deprived" as it is. So would you eat all your calories you "earned" from exercise?