

  • First and foremost, for a lot of us weight loss is a matter of a change in lifestyle. If I am cheating, my lifestyle has not changed. Second, think of a hunger at night as a sign of "success." NOT A GOAL, but as "success." Mind over matter, the hunger goes away. Third, have low cal healthy snacks on the counter waiting for…
  • 1. Kevin 2. Lost 190+ 3. Still need to lose 130+ 4. Best advice -- change the way you look at life, and your body will follow.
  • I think first prize is a couple hours with a personal trainer.
  • For me it was a complete change in the way I look at life, which in turn changed my lifestyle. I eat 1800 calories a day, high protein, low fat, and the only carbs come from fruit, veggies, or whole grain. I exercise four hours a day four days a week, and two hours a day three days a week. Half the exercise is elliptical,…
  • I started at 555 pounds. I walked with a cane and was winded every ten steps. I had and still have very bad knees. I started with water aerobics five days a week. After a couple months I started adding lap swimming to the water aerobics. Several months later I added a recumbent trainer (aka. seated elliptical). I am a HUGE…
  • I use a Bodymedia Fit Armband and subscribe to their service. They have an option to synch with MFP so when I joined here four days ago, I decided to do the synch. I am seeing the same problems you are and am now wondering about the wisdom in doing the synch? The food database for Bodymedia's software was woefully…
  • I have been wearing mine religiously for almost two years and am beginning to think it is time to unsubscribe from the service. I have had three recurring negatives -- 1. When I take it off and leave it in my locker while I am in the pool, it thinks I am still wearing it and am asleep. That screws up both my sleep count…