Help me stop cheating ...



  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    I have the same problem, what I do is leave enough calories for my "late night snack" and I keep it under 200 calories. Usually a 100 calorie bag or popcorn and a fiber one brownie, and then when i'm done, I brush my teeth. I just started doing this like a week ago, if that and it is truly helping me. Just save the calories and allow yourself a snack, don't beat yourself up over it.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • floridapanthergirl
    floridapanthergirl Posts: 87 Member
    Sounds like emotional eating to me. Lonely? Afraid of the weight loss? Bored? Addicted to Carbs?I'd suggest some journaling. All the will power in the world won't help you white knuckle it through the issues that got you where you are. If will power was the key, not many of us would be here. Do a little self exploration and be accountable to yourself as well as others.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    OP...What is your daily calorie level and are you any particular diet (low carb, paleo, etc.).

    My guess is your problem is a combination of a low calorie level and overly restrictive diet.
  • terbeest2009
    terbeest2009 Posts: 4 Member
    I always like to drink flavored, sparkling water. It has no calories and no sodium, so it's better for you than diet soda. When I visited Europe last summer I noticed that all of my host families were skinny and all of them drank carbonated water. I decided that it would be a good way to fix cravings and get my water in for the day. The carbonation fills my stomach and the flavor cures my craving.
  • amiable_1
    amiable_1 Posts: 11
    First and foremost, for a lot of us weight loss is a matter of a change in lifestyle. If I am cheating, my lifestyle has not changed.

    Second, think of a hunger at night as a sign of "success." NOT A GOAL, but as "success." Mind over matter, the hunger goes away.

    Third, have low cal healthy snacks on the counter waiting for you if you walk in -- grape tomatoes, sliced cucumber in wine vinegar, chunked cabbage, raw broccoli. You'd be surprised how good and filling they are.

    Finally, trainer Bob Harper (Biggest Loser) says going to bed hungry is one of the "rules." If you cheat at night, my experience is you break the rule. Your body will burn fat at night, and you do not wake up hungry.