fabulousmo Member


  • I'm no rocket scientist, but I believe that unless you have some sort of underlying metabolic disease, you should lose weight if you eat less. Shocking, I know!!
  • Gotan Project Basement Jaxx Thievery Corporation Afro Celt Sound System Gorillaz St. Germain Hot Chip Polica
  • I would like to apologize to the OP and everyone regards my previous post, which sounds super preachy. Please know that I did not intend to sound that way. Also, I was wrong when I said "no fast food"! You can find good choices now. I still equate fast food with 1,000 calorie fried garbage, but you can find many better…
  • i work full time and the work doesn't stop when i get home, either. i am 44 years old, 5 foot 5 inches, and weigh 156 because i partied it up this winter in Canada and even though i average 3 days a week at the gym for basically light cardio and weight circuit, i gained everything i lost last year with the help of MFP -…
  • does anyone believe that the body will eventually get to a happy weight and that's what you're destined to be despite dieting and exercise? i feel like my body wants to be around 150 lbs. i would like to be 140 lbs at the most. i feel like it's going to take a lot of time, sacrifice, denial, and effort to drop these last…
  • Yikes, that's a low calorie allocation for a day! If you're going to the gym, you're probably not as sedentary as you think. Definitely throw in some more protein rich snacks throughout the day: couple of slices of PC Blue Menu Honey Maple cured turkey (50 calories for total two slices), 10 almonds, a small serving of…
  • I'm getting bored with my meals. What's everyone eating for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks?
  • Enjoy the swim! It's sweltering here in Ontario, Canada. I hit the gym at my lunch, but I see that myfitnesspal doesn't calculate calories burned for weight lifting only (I am going to walk 2.5 kilometers with the dogs tonight). I hear you on the "watching others steadily gain weight" thing. Facebook allows me to see…
  • Yes! I'm in! I need the motivation - I've found it so hard to lose these last 15 pounds. I think my body has set itself to 150 lbs and I need to break that set point. I'm 42, have hypothyroidism, and perimenopause has me by the ovaries. I'm going to show them who's boss. LET'S DO THIS!