

  • There is absolutely NO scientific evidence that working out in the morning is better than working out any other time of the day. Do it when it is convenient for YOU and when YOU want to do it. No time of the day is going to make you lose more weight than others. You need to eat before a workout. Working out on an empty…
  • I feel yea. I've lost 21 and no one at work has noticed, but there is a big change. Ughh! ):
  • Oh yeah whenever I sit down at a friends house I always have to have a pillow or my jacket in front of me!
  • You know you're fat when you feel like you are "addicted" to Taco Bell and eat it three days in a row. My god I am so glad those days are done. Haven't eaten fast food in months! I feel really healthy and feel really great about myself. Still have a long way to go, and I am still "fat" but, hey, I'm feeling better and…
  • I am having the same problem, I was (and still am) a 38C, but I notice they are sagging more. I haven't done any chest strengthening exercises yet, but one of my friends lifts weights and she lost her boobs pretty much all the way. Now she has pecks moreso than boobs. Boobs are fat, so be careful when toning them! I say…
  • Looking back at pictures taken months ago and realizing how much skinnier I looked, even though it was not that much more weight. ):
  • Cool! I'm new here so this is fun (: I'm Amanda, btw. Age: 19 (almost 20) Height: 5ft 2in Start weight: 225 Current Weight: 214 Goal: 190 for now, I set achievable short goals first!
  • It stared as a kid and I can always remember this...we had a field day at school, I was in 5th grade and we had to bring our own water bottles, it was like a gym day, but more fun, anyways..I asked my mom if I could put sprite in my water bottle instead of water, and she said yes. ): I don't think she's a bad parent for…
  • I'm only 19 years old and I can type 140 words per minute. I'm not a very interesting person. :P
  • I know how you feel. I went into Victoria's Secret and got fitted for a bra and they had me at a 40 C. ): Victoria's Secret bras are expensive and it is so hard to find a 40 C at a regular store (they stop at something like 38!) Stay strong and keep on working to lose some inches. Good luck! (:
  • No, it doesn't. Just stick to eating less calories, eating healthy REAL foods, and exercising. Slim Fast didn't help me, it just made me hungry still and I felt worse than if I ate a nice hearty salad, veggies or fruits.
  • I tan before I work out. Because I don't wanna go in there when I'm done, by that time I'm ready to shower, relax and go home, not tan. I have a black card as well, I love it! They do sell tanning goggles, for $2.60, and you MUST show them your tanning goggles before tanning or they won't let you tan. :)