bbsimmons6 Member


  • Since my last week's weigh in was a little higher because I had already eaten and drank coffee and water I am going to use my actual starting weight which was .8lbs lighter just to make it easier to keep track of. SO: SW:152lbs CW:148.4lbs 4lbs lost!!!!! Yay!! This challenge has really helped me out :) Thanks Nikki :)
  • I have to admit I haven't made these brownies before, or ever tried anything like this, but, I am going to give it a try one day when noone's home to see how they're made. Saw it on Dr. Oz. I am seriously hoping to try it this coming week. :)
  • Haven't had to worry about it since I started mfp, but I'm trying to think about that now too. I know I will definitely have to exercise so I can have extra calories available. Definitely thinking fudgesicles. Also airpopped popcorn with measured butter is what I'm thinking for salt cravings.
  • Thanks girls!! Recipe calls for 5lbs. I think I'll use it all and just increase other ingredients a little. With a family of six I know it'll all get eaten. Can't wait to eat it. It sounds awesome :)
  • That is amazing!! I agree that it looks like you lost WAY more than 13lbs. I have never considered doing p90x, but now I'm seriously thinking I should do it!!
  • Just saw this great article someone posted on facebook: Good luck!
  • I get migraines and have for probably 20 years. I used to have them 3 weeks out of the month. Mine are usually hormone related. (Starting 2 days before my cycle starts every month.) On a good month they only last a couple days. On a bad month they last off and on for a couple weeks. I take Imitrex (which is generic now).…
  • Good name is Brandi :)
  • My mini goal will be to work out at least 5 days this week. So far so good :) Hopefully I will do more than five, but that's alot more than last week so I will be happy if I do at least that.
  • Starting weight 152.8 :)
  • Starting weight 152.8 (up from starting weight). Not happy about this but I'm hoping it's because it was after my oatmeal :(
  • Definitely. I have only been doing this for a week. I am feeling really frustrated right now and this might be just the thing to get me more motivated!!