hi you know Anorexia may have originally started as a diet; however, there was something deeper than food. Food is a manifiestation of the core issues. Psychologists state those with Alcohol, Drug and Eating disorders...and really any other addictioins, have that core issue if not treated coudl be fatal.…
I'm currently in recovery, so I know what you are talking about....its more than a diet, yes, I agree, it starts off as a diet, but then it becomes more of an anxiety reducer, then you go further, body dysmorphia kicks in, and if its not caught/recovered, you are in trouble. I have been battling it for 35+ years but like…
What railroads me is STRESS..I'm in social work, and I shut down and don't we can fill in the blanks here. I am ; however, working on getting into different hobbies when I'm in that moment, I can pull those items from the list I made when I was feeling great...Why lie, you can't think of coping…