jillMoose Member


  • the most accurate way (and the only way in my mind) to gauge your calorie burn is by using a heat rate monitor that shows calories burned -- i have a Polar hrm and love it
  • I agree with this -- I am a terrible weekend cheater- - i throw caution to the wind and i go for that desert and pour myself another glass of wine! ugh. im frustrated but i think this is right - i need to stay busy... once i sit on the couch its all over... i blew it this weekend... so now i have to focus on the work week…
  • i love my polar hrm. it cracks me up when people get on an elliptial for an hour and think they burned 700 caolories without breaking a sweat- those machines totaly are inaccurate!
  • I AM IN YOUR BOAT! I am 5'5" and currently weigh 157 -- my highest weight EVER. (i blame it on my husband because we got married and since then i have put on 15 pounds! - we traded the gym for the couch -- now im trading back!) i think my best weight was 130, which is my ultimate goal. So... im with you with wanting to…
  • New Jersey... home of the shore and the housewives ;)
  • Name: Jill Age: 28 Date of Summer Goal (or month): June 1 Summer Goal Weight: 137 Current Weight: 157.2 (at 5'5") thanks for the post!
  • so i tried p90x and quit after a couple of weeks... why? BECAUSE TONY TALKS TOO MUCH AND IS SO ANNOYING, right "boys and girls"? ha. Seriously his workout of 1 hour can be done in 40 minutes wihtout all the chitchat. When I did it i started to just fast foward between exercises... then i stopped watching and just did the…
  • cardiac arrest cannot be 200! i think jennyfair is right -- 220-age = max heart rate. and i dont think you can substitute the word max for comfortable! thats hardwork!
  • THE FOOD IS GROSS -- i tried it while in law school about a year ago, trying to save time. i pre-selected all the food (i didnt let them just send me their variety ) - make sure you select the food item by item if you decide to do it. i was okay with the food for about two or three days... then i just got grossed out…
  • I have a POLAR hrm that i love - you can set your min and max hr, it tells you how many calories burned, gives you a summary of every workout, and a summary of weekly stats at the end of the week. its pricey - about 100$, but worth it!