thanks guys and gals, I'm going to check out Low Carb Friends and get some ideas and recipes. I'm irritated about not eating enough, I don't feel hungry or anything buy I know I can't sustain myself on less than 1000 calories/day. I'll definitely add more oils in my cooking and start incorporating fattier foods. thank you…
nuts are a little too carby for this phase, but I didn't realize that avocados have more fiber than carbs, so are almost completely carb-free! thank you!
I am on 1320 calories/day. I stocked up on low-cal foods to make sure I don't go crazy. I have also learned that 9 times out of 10 when I think I'm hungry, drinking a bottle of vitamin water makes the hunger pangs go away. Sometimes you THINK you're hungry when you aren't, but if you eat every time you think you're hungry,…
sent a request =) anyone please feel free to add me! I'm FINALLY taking my health seriously after being overweight since literally the day I was born, Can't do it without support!