

  • I ran into the same problem. My solution was to walk into Bed Bath and Beyond and google bathroom scale reviews. I looked for the top rated one (for accuracy) that was actually in the store. This solved the 'analysis paralysis' and I ended up with a scale that now only varies about .2 when I get on it multiple times in a…
  • Well said! Very concise and straight truth.
  • I think this is an interesting concept. I have nearly always thought that I 'look good', except when I hit my top weight, which resulted in my taking action. But when I was there (about 220lbs), I set a goal for myself (180) that was STILL 20 pounds above the top end of my charted optimum weight range. My recent effort,…
  • That P90x yoga workout would be much more palatable if they would have mixed the activities vs splitting the workout into 2 halves I think. I am finding it hard to want to do it a second time....