

  • Me too, but I really beieve that if I look to something inspirational everyday it will help me stay the course. I am tracking my food (app) and running and going to the gym. I like that so much information is out there, but there is a lot to sift thru as well. We will get to the goal and be strong, confident, and…
    in Hi Comment by amorgy January 2013
  • Silk Soy Creamer is good, but then I got to reading about soy could be bad for estrogen levels, so I've been using Fat Free Half and Half. I use just a little as well. I do not count it, but I probably should. The powdered creamers have alot of additives. THe other option I use is 2% milk. It's a more natural option…
  • Good Work on the Running! The benefits are tremendous. I wear bike shorts or tight leggings when I run & I also squeeze it. I alternate working different muscle groups to keep from having pain.....I squeeze my toush, then I squeeze my abs tight, then I may lift my knees a little bit higher, then I will take a longer step.…