

  • I agree - just go back eating normal, don't try to make up for anything. That's what I do, and it works amazing.
  • I find when it comes to running, my body adapts very quickly to slight increases. The lowest recommended training long run for for a half-marathon is 8 miles, so if you can work up to an 8 mile long run by adding just one mile a week to that run, you'll probably be fine. Also, for daily runs, I'll increase by running, say,…
  • I'm in baby, I'm in. 48 and striving to stay as young as is physically and mentally possible. I believe the older I get, the better shape I should be in (keeping in shape seems to come with more injries these days. Learning how to do it a little more injury free, and how to deal with the the aches and pains that come with…
  • I think this nails it - the best thing we can do is get ourselves slim and in shape and motivate someone else to do the same and keep the cycle going. I do think, though, it doesn't matter what restaurants serve, etc. What matters is each of us taking charge of our health and weight and making wise choices, no matter our…
  • I have mine open, too. I wondered what to do, because some days, like others, I totally blow it. But, that diary has shown me a lot about my eating, and maybe it can help someone, too. I lost 40 pounds five years ago and am only going for five right now. A medical condition causes my right leg to swell, and at the end of…