

  • get some good amino acid vitamins and take them right after working out and right before bed. This will help tremendously
  • you should eat protein within one hour of working out. Perhaps a protein shake would be easiest or hard boiled eggs and some veges.
  • Welcome, I'm pretty new to this too. 2 weeks in, 3 lbs. lost but I am really loving it. Just be honest with yourself and remember there are 52 weeks in a year and if you lose one lb. a week that's 52 lbs. in a year! Don't beat yourself up everytime you blow it just get back up and start over. Think of it this way, if you…
  • ooh kevin I got a great recipe. so easy. take chicken breasts and filet them. stuff them with sun dried tomatoes and fat free feta cheese then pan fry them in cooking spray. super yummy. It's from the south beach diet phase one actually
  • don't beat yourself up, just jump back on the horse. Remember this is for life and it's a journey not a destination. So get on it and get going again!
  • I am 40 and just had twins who are now a year old. I have gained so much weight this year and have never felt worse about myself. Now is the time to get back to my old self and start feeling good again.