

  • I allow myself a "free day" every week. It's usually on Sundays, after I weigh myself in the morning. Losing weight and being healthy is definitely a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. I don't like calling it "cheat days" because mentally, it has such negative connotations. Allowing myself one day a week helps to keep me…
  • You can do it!! Check out this quote! :http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/a2/d1/4e/a2d14eb9e72205581ff80ee5f1fcd05a.jpg It says, "It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. Don't quit!"
  • I'm 25 and working towards losing 50lbs! I don't have any friends on here and would love to have friends with similar goals! :)
  • I'll add you! :)
  • I would love some Fitbit friends, too! I just got my Fitbit One last week and love it so far! :) www.fitbit.com/user/28GXLH
  • Like others have said, veggies help a lot. I saw a segment on Rachael Ray a few weeks ago that showed how your stomach reacts to calories (in a nutshell) by comparing what 200 calories of a hamburger vs 200 calories of a salad looks like in your stomach. It was a great visual! Here's the link…