Professional Towel Model
Look at the chart on this page: Source Study: Takeaway: Eat salt.
Incorrect. 1lb of muscle will weigh more than 1lb of fat when the fat is on Earth and the muscle is on Jupiter or Neptune (or the Sun, but it would probably be non-existent at that point), given that the two being compared were weighed on Earth prior to the transportation of the muscle to Jupiter or Neptune (or the fat to…
Like the idea, but needs a new name. The McDouble Down is a combination of a Double Down and a McDouble. Yours is a McDouble-Chicken. Transitive property applies to naming conventions.
Human Resources executive. I love it. I love it even more when people tell me how much they hate HR because HR is (insert generic reason here).
Are you talking about real konbucha 昆布茶 or American kombucha?
It's maize...unless you like feasting upon the calloused skin from someone's foot...which some may, and who am I to judge? This thread is now about feet. Discuss.
Hello, Necromancer.
How are those two articles even related? Keep on spreading FUD.
Thanks, Japan? I'm sure they willed that tsunami and earthquake to happen. 馬鹿野郎. BTW...Caesium-137 has a half-life of 30 years (~70 days biological half0life); cesium-134, 2.1 years. Caesium-137 is present in the entirety of the Pacific ocean from the nuclear weapons testing that peaked in the 50s and 60s by the United…
Where did you look it up? Frozen actually has more iron content....also, more fiber, more calcium, more zinc... vs.…
Look away...ストーカー ;-)
Or, it's that strict immigration policies, a low birth rate and an aging population is resulting in an underfunded and overused social insurance and pension program coupled with a lack of sustainable natural resources. There are plenty of people in Japan to buy stuff...about 127 million of them (~10th most populous in the…
Which is exactly why I got snipped after two.
Soluble fiber equates to 4cal/g in US nutrition labels (though, probably give less as energy once fully processed). Fiber is a carbohydrate.