Children: Why are people having 4+??



  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    To answer the "Why do you care?" questions.


    Dwindling natural resources.

    Strain on public education.

    Strain on healthcare system.

    The list goes on and on and on and on.

    But that's all I'm saying. I'm positive I'm of the unpopular opinion in this thread.

    This is pretty well what I was thinking too

    and me.
  • channadugger
    I'm not married and I don't have children, but my boyfriend and I live in a very populated city where people feel the need to have 5, 6, 7+ kids. These families don't appear to have the means to fiscally be able to meet their children's needs. We are wondering WHY?! Why do people feel the need to procreate beyond 2 or 3 children? I can understand 2 for sure and even 3, 4 seems a little crazy to me, but any more - that's insane and seems so unnecessary!
    Anyone who has reasons for having 4+ kids, please let me know why! And if anyone else has some opinions, I'd love to hear them!
    If you don't like it then pick up your **** and move. I like how you judge people by their children. I can see why you don't have kids. It's because you can't keep your mouth shut long enough to get laid. Nuff said

    You don't look young enough to be saying "Nuff said". And I think you're mean and wrong.

    That is so sad. :sad: Your opinion means so much to me. :laugh:
  • nitenichiryu
    To answer the "Why do you care?" questions.


    Dwindling natural resources.

    Strain on public education.

    Strain on healthcare system.

    The list goes on and on and on and on.

    But that's all I'm saying. I'm positive I'm of the unpopular opinion in this thread.

    Interesting you post this I was actually reading an article on how the aging population, specifically in europe and japan, and the decline in the birth rate is now hurting the country because the work force is becoming older and there are less young people to support the elderly.

    They say China is going to have a big problem in later years and before they can become a true superpower the country will stall due to the past restrictions on birth and of course the gender discrimination...they will age before there time

    oh and restrictive immigration blood=power

    poor people need to have kids. As an econ professor I had said "Poor people are a renewable resource" . As harsh as that sounds it's true. The reason Japan is having problems is b/c no babies = no one to buy stuff.

    So hope that answers your question about why people that can't afford kids have kids :smile: .

    Or, it's that strict immigration policies, a low birth rate and an aging population is resulting in an underfunded and overused social insurance and pension program coupled with a lack of sustainable natural resources.

    There are plenty of people in Japan to buy stuff...about 127 million of them (~10th most populous in the world).
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    It is everyone's business when we're very seriously facing over-population and diminishing natural resources. Further, if these parents don't have the finances and mental capacity to raise their handfuls of children properly, the burden falls to the tax payers.

    Ignorance should mind it's own business.

    So a woman's right to choose only goes one way? Ok, that's cool. I have enough kids for both of us anyway. Added bonus: I get to raise them all however I like. :flowerforyou:

    Listen lady, no one's telling you you can't have kids. Literally NO ONE has said that. Just that maybe you should think about the impact it has before you do so. No one is advocating forced abortion or sterilization, although after some responses in this thread I find myself leaning more towards that than I ever thought I would.

    Also, yes. You do get to raise them however you want. That's how the mormons intend on taking over the world. So it's kinda looking like that right to choose may become one way in the near future.

    I wasn't talking about forced abortion or sterilization. I'm not worried about that. But ask any parent of more than 2 children what the social consequences are. Look at the judgment on here about how large families must be working the system. Try to book a vacation for 7 people. Try to buy a house with more than 3 bedrooms. Try to go out to dinner without people asking you if you have a daycare. Or if you know how kids are made. Or if you own a tv. *sigh* I'm simply pointing out a different perspective. If you are a tolerant person, you can surely appreciate that.

    But thanks for calling me a lady. Beats the heck out of sweetie and honeybuns--both of which I have heard today. :wink:

    ETA: the quote my response was directed to.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Because Social Security is an abysmal failure, and it's going to take 14 workers for each recipient to keep the checks coming when I hit that age, so my wife and I need 28 kids to cover us, and if we throw a few extra in there, you're welcome.

    All joking aside, I have 3 kids, and I'd take a couple more, but we're done and that's okay too. Really, it's no ones business but mine. And as for the whole overpopulation and natural resources aspect, really? Get out of the city and have a look at the other 95% of the worlds land mass, it's called wilderness, and we have plenty, and there is not a single natural resource that is not renewable.

  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    I don't want to get TOO personal, but there's many many sides to this coin that I'd like anyone who has strong feelings on this subject either way to take into consideration. My situation is one of them...

    I'm 25yo and have three kids by three men, never married. I had a very rough life up until a few years ago when I finally gave my life to God, and was a runaway/working girl for most of my adolescence. Being judged for being a single mom with 3 kids by 3 men is something I have to deal with a LOT, unfortunately. In the past it would have really hurt and angered me to be looked down upon, but these days I can hold my head up high and say "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

    I have been blessed enough to have been given the opportunity to totally turn my life around, I am a college graduate, full-time employee, and have three amazing kids. But it's common for people to make assumptions about me by saying things like "you should get your GED." Because I have tattoos I was even let go of a job once because a couple of the customers had asked the owner if I worshiped Satan and he thought he might be losing money by keeping me (I found out the truth much later though. I thought he just couldn't afford to pay me). The irony being that I was a Christian, like they probably felt they were, in asking such a disgusting question.

    Anyway what I'm getting at never know anyone's story. What doesn't make sense to you could be caused by a multitude of reasons. Yeah, some people are just flat out trashy and have a bunch of kids they can't afford and expect the government to foot the bill. But please don't assume. Sometimes a kind ear and a welcoming smile is the best thing that happens to a single mother, juggling children she has for any number of reasons, trying to make ends meet, trying to get their head above water, every obstacle life could throw in the way beating her down on a daily basis.

    Whenever I meet someone who will become my husband, most likely he will have kids of his own as well. And with my three already, we'll be quite the Brady Bunch. I would hope that the number of children in the home, my (and probably my future husband's) many tattoos, or anything else would not be anyone's sole reason for looking down on us. Not that I think anyone's being a big mean judgy person here---just that my first thought after reading the question was the hate mongering people who would just sit there and think "because they're stupid" or "because they're wh***s that can't keep their legs closed" or any other cynical hatefulness. The answer to this question is: It doesn't matter. :)
  • RunningForeverMama
    RunningForeverMama Posts: 261 Member
    My TL:DR answer.

    Because they want too.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    and there is not a single natural resource that is not renewable.

  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Post count: 1

    Troll count: 1

    Serious replies coming: 0

    edit: oh, and Judgey McJudgmentpants: 1

  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    It is everyone's business when we're very seriously facing over-population and diminishing natural resources. Further, if these parents don't have the finances and mental capacity to raise their handfuls of children properly, the burden falls to the tax payers.

    Ignorance should mind it's own business.

    So a woman's right to choose only goes one way? Ok, that's cool. I have enough kids for both of us anyway. Added bonus: I get to raise them all however I like. :flowerforyou:

    I wasn't talking about forced abortion or sterilization. I'm not worried about that. But ask any parent of more than 2 children what the social consequences are. Look at the judgment on here about how large families must be working the system. Try to book a vacation for 7 people. Try to buy a house with more than 3 bedrooms. Try to go out to dinner without people asking you if you have a daycare. Or if you know how kids are made. Or if you own a tv. *sigh* I'm simply pointing out a different perspective. If you are a tolerant person, you can surely appreciate that.

    But thanks for calling me a lady. Beats the heck out of sweetie and honeybuns--both of which I have heard today. :wink:

    ETA: the quote my response was directed to.

    I get that. I really do. I honestly think it's that people love policing women's bodies. Ask women that have no children how they are treated by society and you'll find that people ask them rude questions and question their decisions too.

    I personally see having that many children as irresponsible on many levels, but I don't doubt that it can be a burden. Although if I'm being honest, you could say the same thing about teen pregnancy.
  • pchesnut
    pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
    My point is understand why and not to criticize anyone.

    I might believe that if your original post hadn't said that any more then 3 children was 'insane' to you

    I grew up in a family of 7 kids and I am extremely close to each of my siblings. They have brought more love and happiness into my life then any of my friends. My husband grew up in a family of 4 and feels the same way about his siblings. Family is the most important thing in life.
    I am raising 4 of my own children. I am a SAHM because we can afford it, and because I feel like if I am going to raise kids then I need to be there to make sure they grow up to be stable contributing members of society.
    Try not to judge others choices simply because you don't understand them. They may not understand your life choices either but you wouldn't like it if they called you out on them and called them ridiculous.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    LOL at some sort of overpopulation problem seriously people most countries world wide are on a birth rate decline. The old out number the young. This is going to be the true problem in the very near future for the more developed countries. Watch what happens when you no longer have a young workforce supporting the retirees.

    This is my theory why the US enjoyed such prosperity during the 80's and 90's the baby boomers were in the prime of their careers. An economic down turn in 2009 seems to have occurred about the same time a large majority of baby boomers exited the work force for early retirement.


    Sorry, but she's right. This is why the Social Security system will be running into trouble. There are many more Baby Boomers than there are "GenX" and GenY" to pay for it all. Birth rates *are* on the decline.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    and there is not a single natural resource that is not renewable.


    All evidence over the last decade indicates that the ozone layer is repairing itself, and since it's made up of elemental molecules, yes, it's renewable, just like water which makes up an aspect of ozone. Elements, and the electrons that bind them are not finite.

  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    But it's common for people to make assumptions about me by saying things like "you should get your GED."
    That part is pretty awful. Why would someone assume you're not well-educated just because you have many tattoos? Moreover, why assume that someone's a bad person just because they're not well-educated?

    And if you have 3 kids and marry someone with 3 kids, odds are pretty good that you've caught your limit and will stop making more people. It's reasonable to pool your resources and raise your families.

    What isn't reasonable is thinking that there is an infinite supply of resources (if wilderness could sustain large numbers of people, you'd see large numbers of people there and it wouldn't be wilderness) and that there isn't a carrying capacity for humans just like there is for yeast and deer and wolves. Some people (not you) seem hell-bent on getting us there within a generation.

    9-12 children was the norm for most of human history because most of them didn't survive to adulthood to reproduce themselves. We are no longer in that situation for most of the world. And for the developed nations with low birth rates, there will always be people willing to migrate to those countries for a better standard of living. I don't think we're in danger of becoming a country of ghost towns.
  • amluvstld
    amluvstld Posts: 212
    Why do you care? Eyes on your own uterus, dude.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    and there is not a single natural resource that is not renewable.



    edit for being off topic
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It is everyone's business when we're very seriously facing over-population and diminishing natural resources. Further, if these parents don't have the finances and mental capacity to raise their handfuls of children properly, the burden falls to the tax payers.

    Ignorance should mind it's own business.

    So a woman's right to choose only goes one way? Ok, that's cool. I have enough kids for both of us anyway. Added bonus: I get to raise them all however I like. :flowerforyou:

    Listen lady, no one's telling you you can't have kids. Literally NO ONE has said that. Just that maybe you should think about the impact it has before you do so. No one is advocating forced abortion or sterilization, although after some responses in this thread I find myself leaning more towards that than I ever thought I would.

    Also, yes. You do get to raise them however you want. That's how the mormons intend on taking over the world. So it's kinda looking like that right to choose may become one way in the near future.

  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Sorry, but she's right. This is why the Social Security system will be running into trouble. There are many more Baby Boomers than there are "GenX" and GenY" to pay for it all. Birth rates *are* on the decline.
    :noway: But... it's a pyramid scheme destined to fail. We can't breed our way out of the problem, unless you want to end up eating Soylent Green.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I *kitten* love these threads! Muahs all around!
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Why do you care? Eyes on your own uterus, dude.
    :heart: for the juxtaposition of the words "uterus" and "dude". :glasses:
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