mindycredeur Member


  • Thanks, I think I have always known that but of course everything I read says low carb is the way to go! I lost weight years ago on WW & still ate carbs...I will try switching up my macros a bit & see how it works.
  • I feel the exact same way except my baby is almost 2...lol It's time to get in shape!
  • McDonald's Southwest grilled chicken salad is my go to when I am in a pinch, it's seriously good! Love the dressing! Yum!
  • Hi. I am Mindy and I'm from Louisiana. After so many missed periods, stomach pain and an 80lb weight gain, I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 18, I was engaged to my husband and we knew that we wanted to be parents some day, so this diagnosis was a hard pill to swallow (especially at such a young age), we married in…
  • Awesome! Thanks for the tips, I will check out the websites and make some room in the living room :)
  • Wow, our stories are so similar. I also struggled with infertility until I was blessed with our daughter & I felt great when pregnant and a lot of my pcos symptoms were gone while pregnant. I only gained 25lbs while pregnant and it all came off immediately. Now I am just struggling to lose weight and get healthy. I want to…