godsgirl68 Member


  • To the woman who is thinking about starting but has bad knees, my right ankle and knee bother me but I've still been able to run. They seem to loosen up after a while and as long as I have very good sneakers and run on level ground I'm okay. Give it a try! Splurge on some good sneakers, though, that is very important!
  • I started the C25K last November. I am 45 years old, not in any way athletic and I had never run in my life...even in school when they made us run in gym class I would walk most of it. I didn't have very high hopes for myself going into this, and I was pretty pathetic when I started out...gasping for breath after 90…
  • Where's the "like" button? To the one who said, "Wine, and wine, and then some more wine!"