What do you all drink?



  • godsgirl68
    godsgirl68 Posts: 4 Member
    Where's the "like" button? To the one who said, "Wine, and wine, and then some more wine!"
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    Water with lemon or sparkling water with lemon. A lot of green tea and sometimes I'll have a glass of juice in the morning (pineapple or goji) but I really have to limit it.
    As for booze, wine or gin with slimline tonic. A slim GT is really the best if I want an alcoholic drink.
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    I drink water but sometimes I drink coffee when I have class.
  • im constantly drinking Ribena, Orange Squash and Cranberry Squash, but also Soya Milk. I need to try more of the lemon or lime juice in water. infact i bought some the other day to give it a go!
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    Water only for me.
  • terabull
    terabull Posts: 1
    Water, 1 or two glasses of wine on the weekend, a few beers once a month, green tea, no soda
  • hi! I used to be an advid Mountain Dew Diet Code Red (bad for my health/like drinking red bull:() I drink SPARKLING ICE black Rasberry (there are different flavors @ .78 a per bottle) there are no calories, sodium or carbs.......It's a nice treat with organic blue chips and pico de gallo or salsa.....pretty satisfying.
  • shellyb17
    shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
    Water and tea, and the occasional coffee. Not much else.
  • chinalavy
    chinalavy Posts: 104
    Water with lemon
  • heartofviolet
    heartofviolet Posts: 119 Member
    Besides water?

    Black coffee. Beer. Those are the main ones, and I probably drink way too much of either, but there's no way I will surrender them, not even for weight loss! I'll just have to factor in the calories for a few beers on Friday nights, heh. Or give myself the night off. No harm in one night of fun.

    I used to drink a ton of Pepsi or Coke, switched to Diet Coke for a while, but I try not to drink too much pop. I occasionally will at my parents' house, but I'm nowhere near as addicted to soda as I once was.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Water with lemon and a pinch of stevia with two tablespoons of chia seeds.

    The lemon flavored Vitamin water with two tablespoons of chia seeds.

    Green tea with lemon and stevia

    Coffee with a bit of half and half and a scoop of protein powder

    freshly pressed kale juice with ginger and lemon... watered down with either water or cucumber juice and sweetened just a bit with some stevia powder or if I'm feeling really adventurous, an apple.

    An occasional diet soda.. by occasional I mean maybe once or twice in a month.
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    Water is easier to drink after exercising, so I normally get two bottles in after exercising. I use the Hawaiian Punch mix ins. They are delicious! It makes water easier to drink. Also, Dr. Pepper 10 is really good. Fanta also have some really good diet sodas. Try them.
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    ...and the odd alcoholic beverage every now and then - mostly Koppaberg Strawberry and Lime because it's cheap :laugh:
  • DLH45
    DLH45 Posts: 44 Member
    Water or vodka...jack if its a really bad day!
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    one mug of tea a day and the rest of the time water. :happy:
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Water and tea, mostly. Occasionally I'll have juice, almond milk, or pop of some kind (usually diet Coke).
  • noo1981
    noo1981 Posts: 18
    mainly water, the occasional diet coke or coke zero, decaff coffee with skimmed milk
  • cashes52702
    cashes52702 Posts: 13 Member
    Honestly? Water.

    I am a Dr. Pepper addict. I definitely used to drink at least one a day. Right before I started working out, I just gave it up.

    Now, I'm NOT perfect. But in the last 2-3 months, I've only had *2*. That's a HUGE leap. It really helps that I've been consistantly logging my food/drinks, and when I have to log a soda, I see HOW MANY calories I could have had for something else. And when I'm already so restricted on calories, I like to keep as many as possible! :)

    I do drink black coffee with a tablespoon or so of flavored creamer some mornings, and obviously I treat myself to a special drink once in a while, but I definitely stick with water for the most part.
  • VegaOrionn
    VegaOrionn Posts: 10
    I am water drinker. I drink 5-10 16 oz bottles of water daily. I love the stuff. I also drink soda once in a while. Just a can or two. I also eenjoy powerade and coffee.

    But srsly..water <33 yummers