

  • Thanks! That's a good tip!
  • I used to drink skim milk (and did for 30 years! Since I was weaned off baby food!) until I read up on it and found a lot of evidence that skim milk can actually perpetuate weight problems. We switched the whole family to whole milk about a year ago...I didn't lose any weight (I am the only one who is overweight in my fam)…
    in MILK Comment by kathiesmith13 May 2013
  • Thanks for the tips! I am shooting for 8 c. today!!!
  • Actually I do need to do low carb--I have prediabetes and if I eat as many carbs as I was allotted automatically by MFP, I'd never lose weight. And my weight would yo-yo all the time. I am eating carbs, but I'm sticking to around 100 carbs a day and only 36 sugars. Which is why I'm having trouble getting to my calorie…
  • Huh, I did not know that. Ok, now I've got to go read up on it!