lildewdrop27 Member


  • First of all, are you drinking enough water? And eating enough food with vitamins and iron? It used to happen to me too, then I'd have a banana or a jacket potato after and it would get better, you should start off doing exercises that are at your level, slower ones, then build up intensity and length gradually as you feel…
  • Don't beat yourself up, you're allowed an off day, make yourself an exercise diary that you can shuffle up each time, and do the one it says, mix it up and keep it interesting so you want to do it, try and use your interests too! For example, mine is hula hooping, jump roping, Zumba, jazz dance, tap dancing, the broadway…
  • You look amazing after 4 children! Well done and don't be shy at sharing your story, you've done amazing! Keep up the good work :wink:
  • I also get myself on YouTube and search my different interests for inspiration, for example I live to dance, so I search things like, tap dance workouts, jazz dance workouts, I also have a variety so I can mix it up, hula hoop, jump rope, Zumba, west end workouts etc! Mix it up and enjoy it! :-D
  • Agreed any help would be great! I'm thinking of swimming too, how old is your baby? My baby is 5 months now (first time mummy too) and I've noticed as the weeks go by my tummy is slowly trimming down the baby fat, I did have love handles for the first time in my life, but they're disappearing, whether its down to a flat…
  • They sound nice! Was thinking of making so low fat breakfast muffins and freezing them, and also some homemade soups and freeze those too, my mother in law gave me a low fat cookbook so I'll make myself some healthy treats! I got into a false sense of security as I gained so little during, I thought it would stay the same,…
  • You're pregnant at the moment? Congratulations! X
  • Indeed that's what I'm told! "9 months up 9 months down" my problem area is my tummy, I'm lucky enough to have no stretch marks but its still a little pudgy, but I've noticed as the weeks go by that it slowly started to slim down and gain some shape back, especially at the "love handle" sides! :-) my main problem is…
  • Can I please add you? I don't have any friends on here yet for some support and motivation! X
  • No I'm bottle feeding, I wasn't allowed to breast feed as I have ulcerative colitis and take medication, I'm hoping I just need to focus and stick to it! And learn to adapt my lifestyle/diet to a slower metabolism!