

  • I'd skip the fat free thousand island dressing. Yeah, you're skipping the cals from fat but they've just added in sugar to replace it. That's not really a win. Maybe try some olive oil and vinegar on your sandwich? Or a sweet mustard if you need something to hold it together? I know the coffee horse has been beaten to…
  • QUOTE: "aspartame (also a common trigger in people with migraines) in diet soda that triggers migraines." Why would protein trigger migraines? Caffeine sure as it manipulates blood flow and vascular constriction but not sure how protein would effect migraines. Do you have a source for that? My neurologist. I'm not…
    in Diet pop Comment by santel87 April 2014
  • You can create a recipe within MFP and add each ingredient to that recipe individually. That will calculate everything out for you!