

  • How does anyone defend Coke Zero, based on its taste ALONE?! The number of people in here saying they drink it daily absolutely blows my mind. I know that people have different tastes, but Coke Zero is just plain awful. I used to drink regular Coke daily, could tolerate Diet, but Zero...I tasted it ONCE, and I literally…
  • Haha, when she set it on the table I thought, "And there's all my deficits for the week, gone!" No big deal in the end, I will adjust for it, but I did kinda internally groan. I'm thinking now that it had to be at least 1000 calories. Who really needs to drink that?! Maybe body builders. Maybe I should take up body…
  • What were the first foods you ate in that binge? Are they typically foods you eat a lot of? If you have any foods that are binge triggers, you are going to want to avoid them more in the future. Popcorn is my worst one - I will eat 1200 calories in a sitting and not even feel like I'm binging if I start with popcorn. So I…
  • POPCORN. Especially white cheddar flavour. It's the worst thing ever. I can turn down baked goods, ice cream, fried junk and chocolate without batting an eyelash if I've a mind to eat well...but offer me popcorn and I'm done for. I refuse to even eat it in public, because I know I look like the Cookie Monster eating it.…
  • I was a hard-core soda pop addict for YEARS, and I tried everything to get off it, including flavoured water. No dice. I finally quit it almost entirely by getting into loose leaf tea. (Sometimes I will drink about 8oz once or twice a week, but I try to avoid that because I can feel the claws sinking back in when I do!)…
  • Your sense of "normalcy" here is really, REALLY distorted. I recently joined this site. Not for weight loss so much (although a few pounds would be nice, I don't "need" to, and don't overly care), but because I eat TERRIBLY, I know it, and I want to use the tools here to help keep accountability for my nutrition. (Having a…
  • - Yes, green tea is supposed to speed your metabolism (although I have to wonder if your body wouldn't eventually adjust to it?). So is oolong; some studies suggest that oolong is actually better (a 10-20 percent increase vs. 4 percent - I've heard different numbers). Bear in mind that it is not a drug designed in a lab to…