I eat all three and had the most trouble with lettuce. I started popcorn at 1 month and nuts at about the same time. Lettuce was just extremely filling. Popcorn is a little dangerous unless you are very good about measuring because it doesn't fill you up.
I drink with a straw and have done so throughout the process.
I am 4 weeks out and eat 700 per day. We were told to try for 1000.
I had mine June 2. All is well, better than any expectations.
I had mine on June 2 and am feeling almost 100%. I tire more easily, but otherwise doing well.
I had my Surgery June 2. Overnight in t hospital and home. Mostly doing well. Sore, but not painful. I find myself with lower energy than I would like to see,but my surgeon has us on clear liquids for the week following surgery, so not much opportunity for calories.