TryingTeresa Member


  • 5 days out and eating 3 meals and 3 snacks seems like asking a lot of your stomach. This may be why you feel bad. First, check with your doctor and nut. - tell them everything. You might be able to adjust something. Protein drinks should be a staple for now to make sure you are getting in liquids and protein - but if you…
  • Thank you for posting. I have also gained weight back. And fact today is day two, yes just day two of being back on track for me after really being off the program for the past year. I'm not sure how it happened but slowly I stopped exercising, started eating snacks like chips and popcorn and I started drinking sweet tea.…
  • Please add me too. Thanks
  • Enell - best one yet. I even wear this one under a swim suit. Expensive but worth it!
  • Oh my gosh, thanks for the info. I'm going to definitely check out the website.
  • Hey Jen, You and i sound like we are in the same boat. Lowest was 168, then gained back to 214 - currently at 204. I have been breaking all the rules & have to get back on track. Actually been trying since Saturday - so, I'm back on the health bandwagon for 5 days now !! Add me & we can see if we cant' encourage each other.
  • Hi I'm going to try and eat around 1500 calories. I say try because I am starting over TODAY! Sleeved May 2013, SW was 360, LW 172, CW 204 - I am stopping these bad habits NOW!! So today I have a meal plan written out and its around 1500 calories, but more importantly I am tracking my macros this time: protein (40 %),…
  • IF there's still space, I'd like to join too.
  • Hi I'm in the same boat. Had surgery 2 1/2 years ago. Very happy with the results, but still haven't made it goal. This past year was tough - gained & lost & regained the same 15 lbs
  • I had surgery May 2014. I'm about 30-40 lbs from goal. I'm taller 5'7 eating 1300-1500 calories per day. Want to partner up? I really plan on logging in daily, tracking food & exercise. I'll try to help keep you motivated & held accountable. It's a beautiful (but cold) day here, so we are off for a family walk. Friend me…
  • Thanks for sharing. I think you are exactly right when you reveal its not a food issue that got us to our highest weight (especially folks like me with 100s of lbs to lose). We have to be strong & right emotionally & mentally - but being physically healthier & happier is a great start. Wishing you luck & praying for you.…
  • I think I agree - You know when I look back at my last weeks numbers I'm okay with higher fat & higher protein numbers than carbs. I didn't eat any unhealthy fats. Carbs (unhealthy breads & chips) and soda where my go to foods prior to surgery, so keeping carbs low (not worrying about natural carbs in fruit or even veggies…
  • Just recently it was suggested that I do the same. So last week I tried & upped my calories to 1400-1600. Kind of scary, but within one week I lost 7 lbs. I know that won't stay the same, but I ate more than ever & lost. Just bigger servings broken into 5 eating times. I also really watch macro numbers - I'm now on a 50…
  • Great job - you look amazing!!
  • Add me -I'm 26 months out & really struggling with the last 40-50 lbs also.
  • Hey Brenda, I did the same thing. I stopped tracking a few months ago. Stood on the scale yesterday evening and it was bad!! I'm back also because even after 2 years, I can't lose weight without really working at it - logging my food, counting calories & protein, exercising, water.... Welcome back - let's continue this…
  • Hi I was sleeved almost 2 years ago. Still working on the last 20-30lbs, but getting close to goal. Any questions, concerns - just ask - bet there's nothing I haven't thought, asked, feared and rejoiced over. Surgery has been the best thing I've ever done for myself. April 7th will be here licketty-split☺️ Friend me. I'll…
  • I had people that told me I would never feel hunger again - WRONG!! I too felt hunger almost immediately. Turns out most of the time its "head" hunger but I do get hungry. What you will notice if you get your protein you should feel full. At the beginning I think I missed "chewing and chomping" on things - but you will get…
  • Our bodies are strange and awesome (and stubborn) machines - you are doing everything right. Just keep doing it & be patient. Your work will pay off. Add weight training ASAP - muscles will help build fat and make your belly look leaner until the fat melts off of it also. Don't give up - the lbs & inches will come off…
  • My bariatric team recommends no surgery until at least 5 years AFTER surgery if you are following the protein and exercise guidelines. I'm 46 and hoping that at the end of this journey to have lost a little over 200 lbs. By year 5, I should know what sags are permanent, which sags I can improve with exercise, and I bet…
  • I'm in Texas and know nothing about hockey - so I'm not sure when hockey season starts. But if it is more than 3-5 months after your surgery I say GO FOR IT!! I think you are going to be amazed at how good you feel by winter. The hardest part is going to be your body allowing you to amp up the calorie intake to offset the…
  • Holy cow look how little you are!! Love the shoes!! Happy anniverary!
  • Awesome!! How fun to think of it like that!!
  • Just finished day 3, which was an upper body strength program. Loved it - nothing fancy, just good on' exercise! Well, I forgot to hit post yeaterday, so now I will add that I also just finished day 4 & loved it also.
  • Oh, Benagek I was sleeved almost 2 years ago and have had great success, but I have felt like you MANY, MANY times. My best advice is during these times do not sabatoge yourself. As long as you are still losing, no matter how slow - even maintaining, you are still headed in the right direction. During times like these,…
  • Thanks everyone- great advice to keep (or get) me on track.
  • CEK0220 & bonzaburns: Good luck and congratulations - life is going to change but it gets SO much better! Here's to a healthy new you! Bonxaburns: I actually remember being told NOT to lay on my side for quite some time - don't remember how long. I remember having to teach myself to sleep on my back. It wasn't until just…
  • You look great! Way to go!
  • Just finished day 3, which was an upper body strength program. Loved it - nothing fancy, just good on' exercise!