

  • That does help, a lot. Would a HRM be more accurate to monitor calories burned throughout the day? That's more or less what my primary motivation behind getting one is. At the end of the day, I just want to be more aware of what's going on with my body and what I can do to improve it.
  • BodyMedia requires a monthly service charge, right? That's my ONLY concern with getting the BodyMedia instead of the FitBit- I'm not sure that I want to be roped into an additional $70 dollars a year on top of what the device costs (I know I sound incredibly cheap there).
  • I was thinking I would do MFP for food anyway, because I'm finding that it helps me to write down exactly what I'm eating (or type it out, rather) as I eat it- definitely helps you to be more aware of what you're putting into your body.
  • Let me know if you find one. I got 18oz of hot cocoa on the way to a meeting tonight, plugged it into MFP when I got home and was shocked that I wasted nearly 400 calories for nothing. Darnit.
  • You're welcome to add me- my food/fitness diary are set to 'friends'. I JUST started so would love to connect with people just to see what other people are doing and how that's working for them.