Fit Bit Users- Let's Chat...



  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Great question! How accurate is the TDEE?
  • gallingers06
    gallingers06 Posts: 43 Member
    I got a FitBit Zip about a month ago, and I love it. It syncs with MFP, so I no longer have to log workouts into MFP, just food. They do work well together. I clip in to my bra and don't think about it for the rest of the day. A lot of my friends have it as well, and it allows us to cheer eachother on when we are slumping, or talk a little fun trash if we are competing. This one was only $60, and some friends got them for as little as $35 on sale. Great product!
  • crystal2point0
    crystal2point0 Posts: 52 Member
    I have had my ONE for about 2 weeks now and I love it. Like most people have already said I don't use it for manually logging anything (food or activity). I still use MFP for all my logging. I let fitbit count my steps, stairs and sleep and all other data is managed through MFP, the MFP site actually suggests that you do it this way. If I exercise (treadmill, elliptical...etc) then i log that as cardio in MFP and just input a start time (this will show up on the MFP site once you link fitbit) so that Fitbit knows not to count that time in its calorie estimate (it still counts the steps, just doesn't use the steps taken during that time to do any calorie adjustments with). The sync is 2 ways - once you log food and exercise into MFP that will sync to fitbit site.

    based off your activity level using the fitbit the fitbit site will sync to your MFP to show calorie adjustments positive and negative just depending on how active you are throughout the day. For me as long as I get close to 10k steps a day I will end up with a calorie adjustment of 220+ calories that I can eat back just from walking more.

    what's great is realizing how non active I actually was before using my ONE so that I push myself everyday to take extra steps. I started taking the stairs at work and most days I use the treadmill at work during lunch to just take a nice walk.

    I think my overall favorite feature is the vibrate alarm that wakes you up without a screaming alarm clock
  • Holli_Ann
    I tried the FitBit and returned it. Then I tried BodyMedia and loved it. Look into BodyMedia. I feel like it's more accurate and works better.

    BodyMedia requires a monthly service charge, right? That's my ONLY concern with getting the BodyMedia instead of the FitBit- I'm not sure that I want to be roped into an additional $70 dollars a year on top of what the device costs (I know I sound incredibly cheap there).
  • Holli_Ann
    That does help, a lot. Would a HRM be more accurate to monitor calories burned throughout the day? That's more or less what my primary motivation behind getting one is. At the end of the day, I just want to be more aware of what's going on with my body and what I can do to improve it.
  • utuxia
    utuxia Posts: 6 Member
    i have the fitbit, i don't use the sleep monitor though, a little too much of a hassle. I also got their wifi/digital scale, which is great for keeping track of your progress online. It uploads the data automatically.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I tried the FitBit and returned it. Then I tried BodyMedia and loved it. Look into BodyMedia. I feel like it's more accurate and works better.

    BodyMedia requires a monthly service charge, right? That's my ONLY concern with getting the BodyMedia instead of the FitBit- I'm not sure that I want to be roped into an additional $70 dollars a year on top of what the device costs (I know I sound incredibly cheap there).

    The first 3 months are free, and then there is a small monthly fee after that (I believe $6/month). The FitBit has the technology of a Wii controller, and if you've played the Wii, you know that isn't the greatest. The BodyMedia uses a more scientific way of calculating everything, and I feel like it is much more accurate.
  • rc322
    rc322 Posts: 22
    I feel that if the fitbit is adding back exercise calories that we shouldn't be eating..doesn't that just defeat the purpose?
  • bsalvato
    bsalvato Posts: 63 Member
    Hey Holli! I'm glad you asked this, as I have been thinking about the fitbit again recently. (I was about to buy it a few months ago, instead of replacing my heart rate monitor), but then I read some not so great reviews and decided against it. Some people complained that it wasn't accurate, and that it counts steps while you are sitting (like in a car). Anyone notice this? Any ways to address it? If I'm going to spend $100 on something I'd like for it to be fairly accurate. And where do you wear it/clip it?

    If you get one Holli let me know how you like it!


    You should turn the timer on if your driving any longer than like 30 mins. All pedometers count steps in a car because they have some sort of accelerometer in them that can feel up and down movement and if it's a bumpy ride you'll get steps. I had a $5 one that did the same thing.
  • cyberpixie
    I have a fitbit one but wish I'd waited for this which is coming out soon as it does heart rate as well
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    From what I'm told you SHOULD be eating back your excerise I'm guessing it's just preferance IMO. I have the FitBit One that I recieved for Christmas. Absolutely LOVE it! I track my food through MFP, and agree that the FitBit "dashboard" isn't exactly the super greatest, but it is what it is. I use the sleep tracker as well as the alarm.
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    Fitbits are not dog proof, found that out last night, my girlfriend cat decided she wanted to play with the fitbit ... knocked it off the dresser and the dog decided it was time to puppy test it, FAIL. So i woke up this morning to a broken fit bit, but i love mine, i dont really use it to track my calories but more of a make sure I am moving around enough in a day and not being a gaint slug. Oh and im going this afternoon to buy another one, thats how much I like it.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    love love love my bodymedia, but i dont love the monthy price to use it, so i bought a fitbit instead. LOVE it. tho i think the bodymedia is def more accurate, this tool is almost just as good. and its unobtrusive. love checking to see how many steps ive taken etc, and i LOVE that it syncs with withings and MFP. i think theyre www is cute, but ive found it easier to input my food intake here as it syncs over. <3333
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    I have a fitbit zip just got it yesterday and LOVE IT!!!
    There is also a group on here for fitbit as well..
  • VickyO1977
    VickyO1977 Posts: 156 Member
    I have had my fitbit one since November and love it it really motivates me I took it running yesterday and it worked great then too!
  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    Great question! How accurate is the TDEE?

    I have the fitbit one. It's pretty accurate for me and they auto adjust based on activity.

    I log everything.. All exercise food water, etc through mfp which syncs to fit bit
  • minaslefevre
    minaslefevre Posts: 19 Member
    Love my fitbit zip...both me nd my husband love it! Waiting for the fitbit flex to one out this spring...cnt wait! I am one with my fit bit!
  • JimLeonardRN
    JimLeonardRN Posts: 296 Member
    Love my FitBit Ultra!
  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    That does help, a lot. Would a HRM be more accurate to monitor calories burned throughout the day? That's more or less what my primary motivation behind getting one is. At the end of the day, I just want to be more aware of what's going on with my body and what I can do to improve it.

    From everything ive read I wouldn't use a hrm to monitor calories burned throughout the day. It only goes based on heart bat and a few other statistics. It would be more accurate to use fitbit which can track steps and integrate things you log. A hrm is I my used for a per sessions calorie burn, it's not meant for an all day see how much you are burning type of deal.
  • flanary888
    flanary888 Posts: 158 Member
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my FitBit! I still track everything in MFP but then check my FitBit dashboard everyday to see my mileage, stairs, etc. I am always trying to hit my goal, so its been a huge motivator!!