

  • LMAO!! I shall consider that!
  • Thanks... I'm going to the store later so I'll grab some. I love both! I've just talked to a friend who suggested that I eat more meals a day. Small ones but more than the normal 3 plus 2 snacks.. Thanks again!
  • Thank you all. Part of my problem is that I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I have not been set up with a nutritionist yet and I hope that comes soon. I know cucumbers won't help but I have to watch the fat intake as well.
  • I have recently signed in again but it's because this week I was diagnosed with diabetes. I weigh 100 lbs where I should weigh and I want to get this off. I am not that far gone and it is reversible but I have to work hard. I gave up Pepsi which was not easy after 25 years of drinking it. Please feel free to add me for…