How do you control your hunger?

I just found out recently that I am diabetic so I'm working on watching my carbs and I use this app for the carbs and not the calories. I eat and then shortly after I am hungry again. Does anyone know how to beat those hunger pangs? I have been eating slices of cucumber but they seem to make me more hungry.

If anyone who is diabetic and has advice, I sure will take it! THanks!


  • srd_23
    srd_23 Posts: 43 Member
    Well I'm not diabetic, but I also crave carbs and struggle with hunger. Its easier when I eat protein. I have low calorie yogurt, boiled eggs, lite cheese sticks, and grilled chicken to tide me over. It helps.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    I just found out recently that I am diabetic so I'm working on watching my carbs and I use this app for the carbs and not the calories. I eat and then shortly after I am hungry again. Does anyone know how to beat those hunger pangs? I have been eating slices of cucumber but they seem to make me more hungry.

    If anyone who is diabetic and has advice, I sure will take it! THanks!

    i'm not diabetic, but i do follow a low-carb way of eating. if you find you're hungry, increase your fat intake. coffee with heavy cream or bulletproof coffee (with coconut oil, cream, and/or butter added) will give you the satiety you're looking for. otherwise, full fat string cheese (or any cheese, really) and pieces of chicken or turkey will help.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    slices of cucumber aren't going to fill you up...proteins and fat are satiating.
  • Thank you all. Part of my problem is that I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I have not been set up with a nutritionist yet and I hope that comes soon.

    I know cucumbers won't help but I have to watch the fat intake as well.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    Thank you all. Part of my problem is that I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I have not been set up with a nutritionist yet and I hope that comes soon.

    I know cucumbers won't help but I have to watch the fat intake as well.

    i've been actively trying to reduce my cholesterol intake (mine was high, doc is trying to help me determine if it's just genetics/naturally high, or if it's a dietary thing). i found that pistachios and almonds are recommended to help reduce cholesterol numbers and are good for low carbing. they are "expensive" at first, but they're filling and delicious.
  • jcim1ru
    jcim1ru Posts: 40 Member
    I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol when I started my journey. I took a few pages from a program called Naturally Slim and found that protein management has been my key to success.

    I ensure that I'm balancing my protein intake all throughout the day as well as managing my sugar levels by attempting to keep them consistent. If I can't make it to my next meal without a little something that little something is typically peanuts, peanut butter, beef jerky or some other protein based food.

    Eat slower as well, another tip I carried away from Naturally Slim. When you synchronize your hunger and your consumption the food stays with you much longer and you feel more satisfied.
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    Some snack ideas, some can be at once, mix and match (works for me but I am not diabetic, I beat my HBP, hope I help a hint)
    Mini cucumbers
    Bell Peppers
    A TBSP of fave nut butter
    any veggie low cal dip
    Cottage cheese
    Most fruit (diabetic must watch)
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,764 Member
    Eat foods containing high amounts of protein and/or healthy fats. This aids satiety.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Lots of protein, really helps!
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    slices of cucumber aren't going to fill you up...proteins and fat are satiating.

    They are, but you have to watch out that you don't consume too much, so things like cucumbers are great additions.

    Nah, you must be new here.

    Nothing takes away the old hunger pangs like a teaspoon of Ben & Jerry's!
  • Thanks... I'm going to the store later so I'll grab some. I love both! I've just talked to a friend who suggested that I eat more meals a day. Small ones but more than the normal 3 plus 2 snacks..

    Thanks again!
  • LMAO!! I shall consider that!
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    As a type 2 diabetic, I have noticed that if I space my carbs out a little and try in throw in protein in every meal, I tend to stay full longer.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    If you eat low carb, you do not need to count calories. Nor should you. You should eat when you are hungry. Eat lots of meat and fat and you won't be hungry. Of course, if your doctor gave you a specific way to eat, you need to follow that. But you should not allow yourself to get hungry as your sugar could get too low and you'll feel awful. You should chat with your doctor or nutritionist about this.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    You know, this person said she has newly dx'd diabetes. I don't think a smart crack about eating ice cream is in especially good taste.
  • riotatme23
    riotatme23 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm not diabetic, but I am a snacker. I usually have greek yogurt on hand at home, or peanut butter and celery. At work I keep my desk stocked with dried cranberries and sunflower seeds or raisins with a few almonds. Protein is my thing when I'm hungry as it will tie me over a lot longer than other snacks but maybe I'm just weird. Sometimes if its on sale I'll get a big block of cheese at the grocery store and cut it into a few cubes at a time to munch on. Cheddar isnt exactly calorie freindly but it's satisfying and stops me from jumping on the worse for me doughnuts or mms around the office.
  • I can say that when I make zucchini pasta lasagna with turkey meat, I am not only getting rid of a LOT of carbs but get VERY full.

    You can be full without carbs but it really takes some planning and a little bit of change. Knawing on a cucumber for a snack may not help a lot, but cutting up a bunch of cucumber and adding it to your meal mixture helps a lot. Potato recipe? Cut out half of them and add eggplant for the rest. Cheeseburger? Make an openfaced burger using portobello mushroom as the bun. (I just made one that was possibly the best cheeseburger I've ever had and it was made of TURKEY!

    Also, check out this link and see if you're REALLY hungry, or just got the munchies. Its helped me a lot so far.
  • cbeargie
    cbeargie Posts: 3 Member
    Also, make sure you're not boredom eating. People often mistake boredom for hunger. That "munching" in front of the tv, while working, reading etc. Distract yourself for 15 minutes with a task you have to set your mind to, and see if the urge to eat is still there afterwords.
    This has helped me cut down on mindless munching. And if I do pick up a snack, I try to make it a good one.
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Try a handful of nuts, peanut butter on celery, etc. Healthy fats and they are delicious. If you can't do peanut butter, try another nut or seed butter. Cashew, almond, sesame or sunflower seed butters are good. Check the labels so you can avoid added sugar.
  • donnylou
    donnylou Posts: 46 Member
    Type ll diabetes here and I've learned from my own experience that three things helped a lot with hunger pains:
    1. Make sure you have a bit of protein with every meal.
    2. Eat breakfast!!! Makes a world of difference in how hungry you get by lunch time.
    3. Drink lots and lots of water ( I add fruit or veggies slices or crystal light since I am NOT a big water drinker normally. Used to be a Diet Coke FA-NA-TIC)

    I've noticed in the last 3 (almost 4 weeks) that just those 3 things have helped me snack less and I don't just grab anything cause I'm starving.
    One last thing that has really helped me this time around, I try to plan my meals out the night before. I don't have to think so hard then when I AM hungry....I already have it packed or ready to make.
    Good Luck!!