callmesamara Member


  • Just to clarify everyone - it's a Canadian product. I believe it's American counterpart is the Strawberry Fields. I'm not sure if they recalculated that product or changed the box at all but you might want to check if you eat it regularly. Yup - it really did piss me off. I actually dropped everything and phoned Kashi…
  • Thanks everyone - great replies! Meissastar - I've thought of that on more than one occasion, after chewing myself into a headache and noticing on the days I chew a lot of gum, I'll wake up the next morning with a sore jaw and headache. I think I'm mimicking the repetitive motion in my sleep with teeth grinding. I didn't…
  • I agree with the comment about eating less sugar and eating cleaner. My aunt and uncle went on the glycemic index diet and absolutely melted away. It focuses mostly on a strict reduction of sugar and carbs (because carbs become sugar once digested). I'm not saying "do the diet" but I can tell you that I looked at the foods…
  • Haha - I'm in the same boat! Getting one done in about a month. I hear the pain is quite similar to strong menstrual cramps, so be sure to take two extra strength Advils before your appointment. My doctor actually offers the service of localized anaesthetic, so I'm going to be frozen for the procedure. Maybe your doctor…