Just torrent the ebook, it's way expensive, even if it boasted mind blowing and 100% guaranteed results I wouldn't pay that much! So I definitely wouldnt pay that much just to take a chance, hence why I didnt. :) xxx
I'm up for this!! 21 with 35lbs to go :) xxx
The thought/belief/excuse: I will work out tomorrow/one day doesn't matter/tomorrow I'll workout extra 30 mins or go for a longer walk after exercise What happens when you buy into it (emotions and actions): I lay around thinking tomorrow I'll do it/feel bad that I've not worked out then think this is probably the reason…
We're near the same height! I'm 5ft2 :) xxx
It's hard to tell your weight since you didn't specify height but from bmi you would need to be over 7ft to be in a healthy range, I'm assuming your not that tall, sorry if you are and my assumption is wrong! Just take each day as it comes, know that one extra day brings you one day closer to brig healthier, even if you're…
Wow well done! Definitely goog to give it a go, I'm completed the 30DS today & did all levels in one go, man, I was sweating!!! Xxx
I definitely will :)
Think I'm gonna do ripped in 30! Or another 30 day fitness vid, these are fun! And easy to keep up with :) xxx
I'm on day 9 tomorrow, ( took 2 rest days, woops) so will do the challenge on Monday, day 30. I read you already did it, did level 1 seem any easier?? Xxx
Had a rest today, day 8 tomorrow :) xxx
Definitely!!! I had a "rest" today, worked 1pm - 11pm yesterday and then 10 - 7 today and went straight for a meal out so I decided to take my rest today instead of at the end. So I'm definitely up for doing all three on the last day!!! Xxx
I'm on day 25 of 30. I've had the DVD for four years, tried to numerous times and gave up, this is my first time all the way through, level 1 gets easier after day three, level 2 and three are a little harder. I would try and push yourself to do the advanced but don't hurt yourself, if you genuinely cannot do it, then…
If you type it into good a few pop up, this is where I watch it, A little annoying since it's not YouTube so I can't add it to playlist, but I've added it to bookmarks so it's easily accessible xxx
Finished lvl 3 day 5 today, didn't really give it my all. I prefer to workout in the evening as that's when I'm most productive but was forced to do it in the am as I had work 1pm - 11pm and knew when I got home I'd just want to sleep! Still got a bit of a sweat on, which is good, but not as much as normal! Any one else…
Day 25/30, half way through lvl 3!!! Almost there now :) workouts are getting easier since I've pushed myself to do the advanced non modified versions since day 2. I can do the ab hold to plank move all the way through, only one I struggle with is jumping lunges, I have no balance I keep wobbling and having to correct…
P.S day 4 level 3 done, half way through tomorrow! Xxx
No I know exactly what you mean!! I try and do the advanced moves where possible and when I do that I sweat ALOT but with moves like the plank rows with a leg raise, I can't do the advanced because my wrists aren't strong enough to support my body yet, but when I do it on my knees, I feel it's way too easy, even with heavy…
Same boat, bought The shred 4 years ago, tried it every year multiple times, never got past lvl 1 day 4/5 ish. Now I'm on day 23/30 !!! (Lvl 3 day 3 I finish it about an hour ago) Keep pushing! It's only 20 mins a day you can do it :) xxx
Done lvl 3 day 3! Thank you for the motivation @Alf1163!! My way of thinkig about this is also "if I don't work out today, I will fall back into old habits, the thing that will push me towards my goal is that this time won't be the same as every other time I've tried to live a healthy lifestyle, this time I am actualyly…
Needed this!! I'm lying in bed at 10:21pm still not having worked out, will now get up and do day 3 lvl 3!!! Then go back to bed, haha
Belt buckle
Thanks guys! Xxx
I'm awful at push ups too!! I can go half way down in a full push up and can so about 5 haha then I'm dying, I'm so weak in the upper body! Xxx
Margaret McCartney actually had no medical or scientific backing for the "drinking 1-2L of water a day isn't true" article either. Drink water or fluids is good for you, you do need to drink at least 1-2L a day or half your body weight in oz. Of course it's dangerous to drink too much water, but who would drink enough to…
Aliciajadex :) follow me if ya like! Xxx
I've recently gone through my friends list and unfriended anyone who has been inactive so long their timer had turned red! Haha. I just didn't want anything sidetracking me! More to the point, I've been active since the begining of this year, still going strong! Feel free to add me everyone! Xxx
Level 3 day 1 done :) so I'm on day 20/30! Can't believe I've come this far, I've had the DVD for 4 years!!! Never got past level 1! This group has definitely kept me going :) took a rest yesterday and did some light yoga and stretching, my knees are back to normal now definitely think they were over worked but I got…
Name: AliciaJade93 (Alicia) Starting weight:154lbs Goal weight (4 weeks): 150lbs Goal weight (8 weeks): 144lbs Goal weight (12 weeks): 138lbs