keithgoode Member


  • Well, I was going to contribute to this thread and offer a reassuring statement like "Plateaus are natural. It's the body's way of adjusting to your changing lifestyle. You just have to continually adjust your exercise and diet, and you'll beat the plateau." But then I looked at your food diary, and it's pretty obvious why…
  • It's likely a myth. The ultimate truth is that you should consume fewer calories than you burn in order to lose weight. That said, I eat within 30 minutes to an hour of waking in the morning, and I eat every two hours like clockwork afterward. This approach has really forced me to educate myself about portions and caloric…
  • I'll time-travel back a year and welcome you then. :-) Congratulations on your success so far!
  • Yeah. I think a lot of people THINK they're eating just fine. But when you start tracking it, it is a bit of a shock how every little thing adds up. Before I really started seriously working out, while I was mostly sedentary, my caloric intake was around 2200 per day. I thought that wasn't too bad, but then I had a…
  • Thanks for the recommendation! :-)
  • Thanks for the recommendation. I like that it integrates with MFP.
  • Thanks. I'll try changing the batteries. The one in there now is only about a month old, but it's worth a shot.
  • Sometimes it's as fundamental as rethinking your motivation for losing weight. If the end goal isn't compelling enough, it'll be easier to slip and start doing the things that you know you shouldn't do. At the same time, maybe it's also knowing how to reward yourself for hitting the smaller goals. I absolutely have to…
  • I was in a similar situation before where it was seemingly mathematically impossible for me not to lose weight. And yet, I wasn't. As mentioned before, it could be that you're not actually in deficit. The stupid body is a tricky thing. If you stay at a consistently lower calorie intake for a long period of time, your body…